@cicerone imposter,
Me ignorant and uneducated... that is funny. You dumb asses were sold manure for 2 1/2 years about Russian Collusion that I just gave you evidence to show was completely made up yet you still run with the lying left narrative. NO COLLUSION NO OBSTRUCTION. 18 angry democrats, led by Weiesman who has had so many cases overturned because he is a crooked lawyer, (Enron for example) 2800 subpoenas, 40 FBI agents, 1.5 million documents, 500 witnesses and the whole story was based on fabricated evidence to begin with. The evidence is overwhelming that the left is lying frauds and I am the ignorant one. Funny how he was praised by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton NAACP etc until he ran as a republican while the democrats are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, laws that made it illegal to sell a black family a home in a white neighborhood (Baltimore 1950s and 60s) go read a little if you can read. Democrats run every inner city where blacks are killing each other. You calling me ignorant just shows not only are you ignorant but you are willfully ignorant which makes you stupid not ignorant. Now lets talk about a liar. How about you are a hypocrite. Bergdahl served honorably, keep your Dr. Russia Collusion, turned over all my emails, hands up don't shoot, the Dossier was verified, go look at Hunter Biden's riches while his daddy helped shape policy, Elijia Cummins wife benefited from companies he had oversight of, Clinton crime foundation $146 million from Russia. How many Just STFU. you are a lying, intellectually dishonest, moron, hypocrite if you really believe I am ignorant. Wait till the indictments come, Comey will be first. Go read the Dossier and the article from Wall Street Journal published in 2007, even has some of the same names like Manafort and Cohen except the idiots trying to frame POTUS got the wrong Cohen in their illegal spying. But by all means show your ignorance and keep getting gaslighted by the lying left. One thing I have learned since odumbass election is that democrats are doing what they accuse others of.