Fri 13 May, 2005 09:53 am
There's a bat in my shower.
This is my shower; no?
Waitaminnit! Itainteither!
It's her shower - Whoa!
I'm in the shower
With this mummified bat
And haven't the wildest
Idea where I'm at.
It must have been last night
Yeah, at the Red Tap
This sweet foxy lady
Slinked onto my lap.
It's hard to remember;
My mind's wrapped in fur.
This shriveled old hag can't -
How could this be her?
But, oh, here she is,
Blue-veined sagging skin.
Oh, please, please don't tell me
We've been living in sin.
Dear Lord, I promise;
Oh, please don't refuse
This time I repent;
Just give back my shoes
And my socks, pants, and shirt.
I'll come back to the fold
As soon as I'm dressed.
Please! This water is cold.
Haha! That's brilliant!! Nice one neo xx
a lovely morning after view, when beer goggles are askew...