Missing the point.
I don't mean to disparage the comments of anyone. All of the comments are excellent but I do think you are all missing one important point here and that is whether or not Bella Dea has any responsibility to pay in the first place. I say that she very well may not have any responsibility whatever.
Parents do have responsibility to pay for the essential of life for their children but unless the items purchased by the minor child were actually related to or demanded by the childs school for some educational purpose or were somehow realted to health issues or were for such things as food, clothing or shelter the parent has no responsibility to pay for things the child might decide it wants to order without the parents knowing consent.
The idea of pleading a Statute of Limiitations defense in case of a plaintiff filing a suit is, of course excellent but one first of all must know when the last payment date which was not met fell due then add 30 days to that and you have the start of the tolling of the Statute of limitations in most states.
The date when the statute of limitations has run can best be determined by going to your local law library and looking it up. A faster and almost equally reliable way to look it up is to go to
Webpage Link and they have the listings for all states. Lawdog is about the most reliable and easiest to use source of information available on the net that I know of.
Quite often folks are confused by the fact that there is a different SOL for contracts of adhesion such as credit cards or other open ended contracts or agreements and regular contracts such as mortgages or contracts to purchase vehicles or other non-revolving type contracts or agreements.
The statute of limitations having run it's course does not mean that the creditor cannot sue you because he can and quite often does and wins judgment even though the SOL has long ago run it's course, sometimes by 10 to 20 years and getting sued for old debts is becoming much more prevalent all the time due to the rapid expansion of junk debt buyers who thrive on such indebtedness. Those who do so are scumbagd in my opinion and equally so in the opinions of millions of Americans. I also think of debt collectors in general as muttonheads LOL. That is because most of them are not the sharpest tools in the shed by any stretch of the imagination.
In the event that you are sued in a situation where the SOL has run you must file a motion to dismiss with prejudice for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted with the court in order to win the case.
That is an unbeatable defense if indeed the statute has run out on them.
Obviously that is the correct response because if the law says the debt cannot be collected and is now uncollectable then the court cannot grant them the relief they seek. But you do have to plead the defense or they will get their judgment.
So whether or not you are actually liable for the items your daughter ordered is a matter you should take up with a competent attorney in your local area. I am not an attorney and quite frankly I would be too ashamed to admit it if I was.
I do hope that what I have said will give you some more things to think about.