shewolfnm wrote:Chai Tea wrote:
OK - the HEB on Brodie and Wm. Cannon..

you even shop where i shop
Chai Tea wrote:
The section where they sell the fancy cheeses?
It's in there. It's actually some german brand I think.
There's slices and diced.
Hmmmmm, I'll bet it would taste good with no meat at all.
Wait, hold on, I have to get a pen to write down that spanish rice receipe
ordering from college students, feeling weird?
Think about that shewolf, is that for ALL stuff? I can't think of a reason.
Ok so NO salted pork.
I was just drooling over the idea of it. I have not had salted pork in YEARS...
I remember one time, I was in line at a grocery store and I was buying ( gasp.. oh my god ) tampons..
College student.. MALE.. at the check out.
Here I am a grown woman , cowering..

yeah.. i guess it is all stuff
OK - official tangent time...(what in the world was this thread about anyway)
I go to the Brodie store because (a) the one on Far West is a lot smaller, I only stop there on my way home from work if I basically need/want some type of Slavic/Jewish foods. They even have a separate kosher market in there. I'm not Jewish, but I like a lot of that stuff.
(b) the one on Congress and Oltorf is a circus.
Actually, I like it if you happen to go in there when it happens to be what I call "alternate lifestyle" night. I feel like a friendly visitor then. I mean, there's buddist monks and gays and that guy who has the horns implanted in his head, with all the tatoos all over his face. And then, there's the really strange people.

What I hate about that store is that there's all these families who go there and it's like their version of a weekly family reunion
OK Folks, please don't block EVERY single aisle, I know you haven't seen each other since yesterday, but I don't want to be here for the next 4 hours, like you're planning to be. Last time I was there, this, oh, about 12 year old girl started taking stuff OUT of my cart, looking at it, poking it, throwing it back in, while I had stepped away to get something. "I was all like..."I don't want to buy something after you've poked it with your fingers and all" gawd.
OK, switching gears....
I go to that Walgreens on South Lamar.
There is this guy there that is such a F-ing FREAK....
If you're buying a pack of gum, he'll put it in a big bag before you can even say anything.
If you're buying tampons, he'll hold the box up and say..."Do you need a bag for this"?
Awhile back when I was dealing with that ovarian cyst, my Aunt Flow didn't come to visit, so I bought a pregnancy test just to make sure. I seem to recall I was also buying something else pretty personal at the same time, like toilet paper.
Oh great, it's got to be the day the freak is there.
He rings me up and of course does the "Do you need a bag for this" thing.
I just said to myself, oh what the hell, go for it....
"YES, I would like this HOME PREGNANCY TEST in bag"
"AND, WHY is it when people are buying things like "TAMPONS and PREGNANCY TESTS you ask us about a bag....but you put EVERYDAY ITEMS in a bag as a matter of course??????
oh, uh, I didn't know what you were buying....uh......
He's never done it again.
So, no, I'm not shy about that.