Sun 8 May, 2005 03:20 pm
You hear the term "you get what you pay for," which for many times, is true. I think for the most part this applies, off the top of my head I'm thinking so for cars, electronics, most goods that have a lot of competition.
Two things I feel do not apply: Harley Davidsons, and clothing.
Harleys: old technology, sub-par build quality/reliability history(even though build quality has greaty improved), however they sell for almost double a similar Japanese bike goes for, that's more powerful, reliable, and smoother. However, the demand is there to drive price up by the image-conscious.
Speaking of image-conscious, clothing. That's pretty simple, designer brands are expensive, while no-names are cheap. In a lot of cases, like jeans, the quality is there, but overall you're paying for a name tag.
What do you think is overpriced, or you're paying more for the name/image, and not quality? Or do you disagree with me at all?
Then we can non-respectfully disagree with each other and sling verbal insults. Dumb bastards.
Virtually every bottled softdrink is waaaay overpriced. It costs less than $.03 for the ingredients 1 liter bottle of soda.
$1.25 for a 16 oz. bottle of iced tea? I can but a can of pre-mixed for $4.00 and make 7 gallons of the same stuff.
Put then you get raped pretty badly on any prepared foodstuffs.
It's usually the same price for a 2 liter of Coke and a 20oz bottle.
Red Bull is overpriced, but they sell a ton of it, so apparently it's not.
Food is way overpriced and it burns my ass!
Fishin and Montana, it's all relative. There isn't really a soft drink that's a lot more expensive than the others in the same category, so you're grouping a whole category, not a particular products. You can say soft drinks are too expensive, but compared to what?
Even though I didn't specify brands when I mentioned clothing, I'm thinking more about specific things. Harleys....or say Diesel jeans.
A pair of tickets to see the Red Sox - the price of the food at Fenway Park. I love them - but jeepers are sports figures really worth their multi-million dollar salaries?
Linkat wrote:A pair of tickets to see the Red Sox - the price of the food at Fenway Park. I love them - but jeepers are sports figures really worth their multi-million dollar salaries?
In a way, yes, the players are worth the money. Their salaries are getting paid by ticket sales, merchandise, ect, which is directly driven by their performance. The players deserve the money that THEY generate, who else does?
It depends, slappy. For instance, I buy a pair of Levi's 501 in the States it'll cost me, what, $30? Let's buy the same stuff here in Europe it'll cost me a leg and an arm, $75 or more.
Or the newest jeans hype, 7forallmankind, they START at $225, for a pair of jeans!!! And they're full of holes, manufactured by hand... the holes, I mean.
Chocolate bars is another example. You buy Lindt, they'll cost you. You buy generic at Sam's Club, you'll get a dozen for the same price. You ask me, they taste the same, like chocolate. My wife will disagree with me here, but I digress.
But I'll disagree wtih you on the Harley issue. Most of the guys that I know who rides one, they live the myth, so to speak. They'd rather see their sister in a whorehouse, than ride a japanese bike. A real good friend of mine bought his first Harley because he was in to easy mechanics, as he says. He could repair himself, and now he'll help anyone who asks nicely. He gets a lot of requests for help every spring.
Now I'll disagree with myself; iPods are just to expensive for what you get. I say disagree with myself, because I love my iMac, and the design of the iPod, but please, $125 for an iPod shuffle 1GB? Agree or disagree?
I think health insurance is over priced.
Ipods are still fairly new, so they'll come down in price.
As far as Harleys I'm not questioning if they're "worth it," because according to the market, they're well worth it to the buyers, and have great resale. However, as far as something tangible, you absolutely don't get what you pay for, compared to the competitors. Less quality+more money at the same time. People buy into the image and perceived lifestyle.
Right. They don't say "I'd push a Harley before I'd ride a rice grinder."
Speaking of sports tickets, I'm pissed, but not surprised.
Looked into going to Chicago for the weekend of 6/10-6/12, and going to the Cubs/Red Sox game on Saturday. $200 and up for tickets on Ebay.
If anyone could hook me up, I'd provide a hearty high-five and allow you to name your children after me.
Is Doo a boy's name or a girl's? What about Hoo? Ho I'd know. They can also be overpriced, and sometimes overrated.
Doo Hoo is unisex, but if it's being attached to a female, she better learn to drive.
Cable Television, You pay so much for mindless drivel that is only used to waste time,
Oh and from a BMW rider, I like my schnitzel.
I've put 75,000 miles on an FLH and presently have a Sporty that I use for a bar bike, but in general Harley's are too noisy.
Evo's are remarkably dependable, nothing like a Beemer, but lightyears ahead of shovelheads.
I tell you what's overpriced: my veterinarian is overpriced,
pah, they are downright brazen
Harley? Who cares! I drive a car - that's overpriced too,
but at least it drives faster than most others.
Designer clothes? If it's a good fabric (nothing synthetic)
and tailored nicely, why not. If it's Polyester Calvin Klein -
not interested.
An Audi RS6 could do that, slappy, and a BMW M3. And they're really expensive!
bigdice67 wrote:An Audi RS6 could do that, slappy, and a BMW M3. And they're really expensive!
BMW M3 0-60 is in the high 4's, Audi mid 4's. That's a "slow" bike. There maybe a few cars in the 3's, but they're typically with multi six-figure price tags. The new Yamaha R1 will do it in under 2.5 and the 1/4 mile in 10 seconds! Insane.