Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 12:56 pm
Bring them on...that's what we say. Drunken rabble.

You just dont know who you are dealing with do you!

We have contacts!

We have POWER !

WE HAVE ..............................................


Be afraid.....be VERY afraid.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:01 pm
By the way Mr K, I took the liberty of sorting out the Health and Medical cover for our executive Board ($2 million cover each) if thats OK with you.
The Insurance Company insisted that we had a resident nurse, so I've employed Trudy. Cant speak a bloody word of English, but can do the most amazing backflips.

I'll bring her along to the party if thats OK.

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Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:07 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
it's hard to contain them. but i'll get them there...


dagmaraka wrote:
Meanwhile, in the streets, Liberté is on the march! (Just like freedom is on the march in Iraq. Only different).


Can anyone join this party?

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Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:07 pm
I support the revolution.

Kickycan, clear for all to see, has stolen these elections.

(He's a good sort, really ... made all kinds of good decisions, too. But I mean, he has.)

The people have been robbed of their vote!

They remain voiceless now. But not powerless!

Justice has been violated. Democracy undone. Freedom shackled.

But no more shall nations be wantonly trodden down. (Webcommunities neither, also.) Those times are gone!

It may have seemed in the past that the freedom of modest posters was expendable. Yet any attempt to once more sacrifice freedom for the sake of stability will leave Able2Know divided and unstable.

If revolution is what it takes, then let there be revolution!

FREEDOM is the only reliable path to peace. I for one will not repeat the mistake of appeasing or excusing tyranny, and sacrificing freedom in the vain pursuit of stability.

Monsieur le President, I write you a letter. That you may read perhaps - if you have the time. I will spend my life on the threads of A2K. From Politics to General. And I will cry out to the people: Refuse to obey. Refuse to do it!

Monsieur le President. I have but one passion, that of the light, in name of mankind, which has suffered so much and has a right to happiness. My burning protest, monsieur le President, is but a cry from my soul.

It is time. Resist! Enough! Revival! Buffalo! <frowns>

Let justice be done. Kicky stole these elections. He won by fraud and maraud.

He should step down - and make way for the real winner of these elections.

Atookaians! Fraud was overturned by the proud people of Serbia when their elections were stolen. The Ukrainians could do it. The Georgians could do it. The Kyrghiz could do it (kinda). The Azeris couldn't do it, but they will still, mark my words. Anyway, what I was saying. Atookaians! You have the power!

You have the power to set this travesty of justice right.

You have the power!

Kicky has to step down. He has to secede his rights to the Presidency. SCoates allowed for cheating in his rules, but it is an affront to all this proud community stands for, to all it values - to its very sense of right and wrong!

We won't stand for it!

Kicky, step down. Step down and let the real winner of the elections take office. The woman who came in number two. The woman who got the most real votes. The most honest votes. The real alternative. Forward, not back!

Kicky, are you thinking what the people are thinking?

Kicky, stand down. Stand down, and let the rightful winner of the elections take office!

Sozobe for President!

Men and women, citoyens, tovarishi, cute funny cartoon characters.

Aux barricades!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:11 pm
Lord Ellpus wrote:
By the way Mr K, I took the liberty of sorting out the Health and Medical cover for our executive Board ($2 million cover each) if thats OK with you.

Good. I need it....

And nimh, in the event that Kicky steps down, which I don't think he will do, shouldn't I become the next president? I mean, really now. It's me! I'm cool and fair and stuff!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:15 pm
Yes. Kicky, step down. Step down and aside for the real choice of the people - Sozobe! Or otherwise for Smog, cos he will do as well. Let freedom ring!

(PS, anyone who gets all the political references in my post above gets the 2005 special nimhnerd prize of the year!)
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Laeknir Scrat
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:18 pm
smog wrote:
... in the event that Kicky steps down, which I don't think he will do, shouldn't I become the next president? I mean, really now. It's me! I'm cool and fair and stuff!

You accepted a spurious vicepresidency.

Now you are a Kerensky wannabe, how pathetic!

Smog, you can be President... for 45 minutes.
Then your head will roll Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:19 pm
The moment that I receive even one shred of proof of wrongdoing, I will step down. In the meantime...if anyone needs me, I'll be in a private debriefing session with the new nurse Trudy.

Ciao, suckers!!!
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:24 pm
As the newly appointed Attorney General, I demand evidential PROOF of these grave allegations made by NIMH and others.

Otherwise I will have to refer you to amendment 3, subsection 4 of the A2K elections act 1794, and I quote:-

"To ensure that the proposals set out in the Bill regarding local forum referendums would apply to the banning of any such repeat referendums. Subsection (3D), however, only requires the Electoral Commission to comment on the intelligibility of the referendum question, or on the explanatory material provided for voters if they are different from the versions it commented on when the order for the original referendum was made. Therefore it is quite acceptable under Forum Law that Kickycan may hold his rightful position of President and syphon off as much of the funds as he deems suitable, vis a vis subsection (3E)which enables the order for a repeat local forum referendum to be set out in the Bill regarding local forum referendums would apply to any such repeat referendums. Subsection (3D), however, only requires the Electoral Commission to comment on the intelligibility of the referendum question, or on the explanatory material provided for voters if they are different from the versions it commented on when the order for the original referendum was carried out.

I hope that this clarifies the situation.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:28 pm
Læknir Scrat wrote:
You accepted a spurious vicepresidency.

Now you are a Kerensky wannabe, how pathetic!

Smog, you can be President... for 45 minutes.
Then your head will roll Twisted Evil

(Looks I'm back to posting frowny faces.)

0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:29 pm
Dont you worry Smog....Trudy's got twin sisters of legal age.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:32 pm
I would hope that her twin sisters would be her same age!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:34 pm
Læknir Scrat wrote:
You accepted a spurious vicepresidency.

Now you are a Kerensky wannabe, how pathetic!

Smog, you can be President... for 45 minutes.
Then your head will roll Twisted Evil

Oy! If Kerensky had never been deposed by the Bolsheviks, Russia would have suffered 50 million deaths less. His is the only party that ever won democratic elections in Russian history until 1992!

What are you, a Jacobine Bolshevik?

For Kerensky, Sozobe and democracy! Davai tovarishi!
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:35 pm
Smog....One is six months younger, the other is just over a year younger.

One is double jointed and the other can crack walnuts in an interesting way.
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Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:35 pm
Oh wait, I read that wrong....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:36 pm
Or maybe I read it correctly!
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Laeknir Scrat
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 01:49 pm
Smog, resign as Vice-President and you'll be welcome.

Konan/Antonov-Ovshenko is already leading the masses.
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Laeknir Scrat
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 02:01 pm
>waiting for Comrade Sozobe to show up<
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Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 02:03 pm
<reporting for duty>
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Laeknir Scrat
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 02:06 pm
Sozobe is here!


Dagmar's Slavs, Tico/Konan leading the charge, beautiful witty women, sports loving men, a reluctant but cheerful nimh, Comrade Sozobe, several loyal A2Kers, my good D'art and this little squirrel are about to destroy your so-called Presidency.

(Smog, make up your mind: we are at a turning point in history)
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