I usually stray away from posting on subjects I know nothing about. Consider this the exception
My dream vehicle is a VW Kombi. Oh, how beautiful they are...
I am very confused on the matter though and can't seem to find any information worthwhile on the internet (though I did stumble across a very interesting "hippy van" page...).
Thus I turn to you. I apologize for the naive tone of these questions, but you gotta try somehow:
-I have been told, endlessly, that the VW vans are not the best as far as maintenance. I need to know if this would be a not-so-wise choice for a first car, despite my undying lust for it.
-I have seen some really, really revamped Kombis. However, I don't know if they are
new models or just makes from the 60's that have been refurnished. I can't find any information on the VW website, which may be a clue, but I need to know if they are making new models..?
-If I get the answers I am expecting to get on these two, then that will leave me without the safe/convienent possibiity of owning a Kombi for my first car. So, if you could,
are there any vans (not mini-vans and not SUVs) that would be suitable for a clueless teenager?
I appreciate it.