they're not even interesting. they're a great example of phrasing questions in a way that guarantees a predictable answer:
Quote:All religions should be banned.
these results as you said, shouldn't be surprising. it's a question of where you ask.
Quote:All religions except mine should be banned.
most people on the forum are more reasonable than that when it comes to religion. who wants to ban most religions, but not all? not many.
Quote:All religions are nice.
the only thing surprising about this is that anyone voted for it. obviously people unfamiliar with the horrors of a number of religions that wouldn't know how to turn the other cheek if it was the only other part of their body, or maybe they were just looking for a more polite way to say:
you can always bank on apathy, at least in the states. our politicians count on it.
let's face it, there aren't any good options in this poll. reminds me of 2004, which should have been a predictable outcome too.