Mon 2 May, 2005 03:57 pm
Is it sour grapes?
One television network (abc) is doing an expose about another television network's (fox's) highest rated television program: American Idol.
The PrimeTime Live is going to air "Fallen Idol" on Wednesday, May 4. Paula Abdul has threatened to sue if they air the segment. Corey Clark (the booted contestant from Season Two) alleges that he had an affair with Paula and is trying to get a book publishing deal. And what about Trenyce? What dark secret is she going to reveal?
Is this going to be a platform for former disgruntled contestants? or is there really some dirty laundry to be aired?
I'm sure, like anything else, there probably is some scoop to be had, but frankly I'm a little tired of cheap gossip. I tend to think little of the ones starting it. Even if Paula had a kiss and cuddle with someone who starred on the show, so what? Is this what we call entertainment? Groan!
The ironic part is that the producers of American Idol pitched the show to ABC before they went to FOX. ABC turned them down and the rest is history.
It sounds like sour grapes on the part of ABC. They are airing an hour-long show to peddle cheap gossip about its competitor and for what? Ratings? To give more publicity to its competition? Sounds like ABC has a serious case of cutting off its nose to spite its face.
i have seen alot about how if they were having an affair, it would give him an unfair advantage. sure...because paula says so much bad stuff about all the other contestants. yeah right. the only thing it would have helped him accomplish is get to the finals, after that he is on his own with the voting and since all paula ever says is how wonderful everyone is, i seriously doubt that even if they had an affair that it would have helped him. The other allegation is that idol booted him for having a conviction that he didn't disclose, and since this season has two that were charged (bo and scott), his booting was unfair. idol says that bo and scott never tried to hide theirs so they didn't treat corey unfairly. i think it is all crap and corey is just trying to get his book sold. i will not be watching ABC wednesday night to say the least.
Shame on ABC.
They provided an opportunistic scumbag with air time so he could brag about bagging a celebrity? Watergate it was not. It was more like a scene from the boys locker room at the local junior high school. Sour grapes, ABC, sour grapes. The next time you want to waste an hour of primetime television to pour dirt on your competition, it might help to actually have some dirt.
It was network politics . . . or as PrimeTime Live revealed the name of Scumbag Clark's song: Paulatics. American Idol is tough competition and it is clear that ABC was trying to hype up a sex scandal to throw mud at the competition and attempt to win over their primetime viewers. It didn't win my viewership. I won't be viewing any ABC shows from now on simply to show my disgust of ABC and their primetime LOSER, Corey Clark.
Boys who kiss -- or allegedly kiss -- and tell are LOSERS. The only thing that loser can expect in his future are about a million doors being slammed in his face. He has proven if anyone extends him a helping hand, he'll bite it, distort it, and then try to peddle it for money.
I will still watch American Idol . . . I will root for Vonzell, Bo, and Anthony. AND, I still like Paula Abdul. I have a ton of respect for her. If Paula was watching, I hope she was rolling her eyes as often as I was about the stupidity of ABC for giving a LOSER SCUMBAG a platform.
amazingly enough, fox agreed to investigate his allegations against paula. however, corey is refusing to help them...hmmm...wonder why? mabye because he has nothing to back his allegations up with and just wants his 15 minutes of fame back since they kicked him off (and to make money off his book which i hope no one buys).