Something that occurs to me in this context, make of it what you will:
Most of you know I'm deaf, but I don't know if I've talked much about the fact that my hearing fluctuated wildly for about 5 years, from 13 to 18, so that I could hear OK one day and be absolutely completely deaf the next. I rode the school bus with a nice boy who was a bit irritating, and he would talk to me incessantly every morning on the way to school. I don't remember how explicit I was -- everyone knew that I wore hearing aids, and couldn't hear very well, but was a very good lipreader -- but I wanted him to just leave me alone and not make me work at trying to understand him. He persisted, and I'm sure I was not clear enough (I often have moments when I wish I could go back in time and have a firm discussion with my teenage self), and I eventually settled into the pattern of nodding pleasantly while having absolutely no idea what the heck he was saying. This didn't stop him -- he spent an entire school year chattering away to me every morning. We had mutual friends, and I mentioned something about how tiring it was, and it got back to him. He was livid. LIVID. He had no idea that I could not understand, he said, which I found disingenuous -- I mean, how can you really think someone who nods pleasantly at you for 45 minutes without getting a word in edgewise understands everything you're saying?? -- but I do, again, accept responsibility for being far too meek about these things at the time.
Guess what he does for a living now? NPR comes up on A2K fairly often, so some of y'all may listen to him.
He's a somewhat famous NPR personality.
At any rate -- one of my favorite kinds of conversations have to do with having the same very strange kind of sense of humor. I am constantly, in everyday conversation, saying things sotto voice that I can't seem to keep myself from saying but nobody ever gets. I have three or four dear friends who became dear friends because they caught the little aside and cracked up. It's so cool to hang out with one of them after spending too much time with sane people -- I say the kind of thing that usually elicits blank stares, and get a belly laugh, or better, a riff on the subject with a straight face, back and forth a bit until we both dissolve in giggles. That's probably one of my single favorite things -- when you get a groove going and rather than laughing right away, you keep upping the ante.