Tue 26 Apr, 2005 11:29 am
I don't know if this will get any replies...and it's only relevent to the Brits...but Ray Mear's Bushcraft is back on Thursday night!!!!! Yay!!!!
I can't wait for the next thrilling instalment - there's just something about a resourseful man...
and such a decent man as well. Friends of mine have met him and affirm that he really is as likeable as he seems on screen.
At last!
I can imagine he is likeable in real life. Did you ever see the skit on him in The Fast Show?
smorgs, did you see that one the other night where he helped a native american to build a canoe?
I'd no idea it was such an incredibly skilled job, whoever worked out how to do that must have had an IQ that made Einstein look like a thickie.
Yes Don1, and the perseverence of the other Ray when trying to light a fire! Fab escapist telly - love it!