dagmaraka wrote:Breaking news: Dlowan proclaimed stricken with the same disease as Kickycan of the KEG party and has been ushered immediately to a psychiatric ward for a complete general examination.
Love and Beauty Party is announcing a Welcoming Ball, with braised rabbit as a main course for dinner. All welcome, members or not!
Well, the god-botherers are doing dirty tricks now! While I lay both rapt and wrapped in my peaceful slumbers, well-earned after my conscience and reason and compassion driven decision of yesterday to go where I belonged, I am basely and falsely accused of being in a psychiatric institution! (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
I am not only in no such place, but I was peacefully having my first coffee of the morning, whilst girding my reluctant loins for work!
Fie upon you!
Save your bootless prayers for yourselves!
Here - to prove you calumnious, is a polaroid taken just moments ago:
But here is a photograph of my spirit.
Your lies have shrunk my spirit - your lies have made ALL of us smaller....for what affects one in our little community affects all.
But - I wish you the best, despite this, for we are all about compassion.