Taliesin181 wrote: . . . topic, if we trust the government to make some choices about good vs. bad, then why not all?
I think you have been naive in not appreciating the extent to which government, by legislation, by jurisprudence, by reguatory action, make tens of thousands of decisions for us. I cited examples of this in my previous post.
Quote:Is it just a case of not trusting "The Man"? If we trust them to make some choices, we should be willing to trust them for making all.
Governments were and are never trusted to make "all" the rulings on what are and what are not bad decisions. Their mandate runs only to decisions which impinge on others, they don't cover all of the bases there, and yet there are thousands upon thousands of laws, court rulings and regulatory policies and rulings.
Quote:My question is: Why aren't we? (Myself included)
Actually, that is disingenuous. All of us rather casually leave most difficult social questions to government, and go upon our merry way.
Quote:I would say that I just don't trust the current government, and I think that if I could really choose who I named 'leader', then I could, and wouldn't have a problem letting them have more power. What about the rest of you?
This is a disturbing paragraph. In the first place, you are subject to probably five or six specific "governments" on any given day--the Federal government, the government of the state in which you reside, the government of the county in which you reside, the government of the city in which you reside, and one or more regulatory agencies concerned with the area of society in which you happen to be employed. Additionally, you would be subject to the agencies which control workers' compensation, workplace safety, environmental safety, etc. You are also subject to regulations which govern banking, retirement funds, investments, etc. There is not, and there never will be, any "leader" in this country who covers all of the bases. They're not trying to, those who seek high office. They want you to believe that they can make things better, that they can create government in an image which will please and protect all of the people, but it ain't gonna happen. Looking to one man or one woman for such "leadership" is naive, and an abdication of one's own responsibility to make responsible choices when voting. Screw any of those clowns running for office. They should have just sufficient power to accomplish the ends which they claimed to seek, and which lead you to vote for them, and not an iota more. Azimov, i think it was, posited that anyone desiring to be President ought automatically to be disqualified for the office. Creates all sorts of bizzare problems for the issue of providing for governance, but it raises a good point. Those who seek high office, for whatever lip service they pay to principle, seek that office for personal, and very likely, for venal reasons.