Who has more control of our thinking; God or Satan?

mark noble
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 01:56 pm
@Greatest I am,
Exactly what was meant.

What are these 'kariate brethren' you keep attaching to me, please?

Greatest I am
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 02:53 pm
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:

Exactly what was meant.

What are these 'kariate brethren' you keep attaching to me, please?


I assumed by your namaste sign off that you were a Jew.


As I understand your traditions, if you are a Jew, is that the Karaites (my error corrected below), hold and mold the oral traditions which decides how the Torah and it's commentaries should be interpreted by your orthodoxy, if you are a Jew.

They can overrule god himself and that is why I think that my own Gnostic Christianity was perhaps founded by them and Chrestians who thought the same basic way along with what was left of your esoteric ecumenist wing that was quite large centuries before Jesus was invented.

This Rabbi is slow to go but if you start at the 15 min. mark it might grab you.


Oops. I used Karaite but meant Pharisees as the holders of the oral traditions. Karaite read the Torah literally.

Strange that the dozen or so Jews I have spoken to did not correct me. I guess that Jews know as little of their traditions as Christians do. I did not think this the case. Oh well

mark noble
Mon 15 Jul, 2019 08:29 am
@Greatest I am,
'namaste' is an Eastern phrase - Meaning: 'I bow to the 'spirit' within you'.

I thought you may have mistaken my 'kybalion' referral, in a prior post, as a 'kaballah' referral. Some folk mistake the former for the latter - Ezekiels' hidden knowledge has nothing to do with Thoth/Hermes' emerald tablets - As you likely know.

I extract from all belief-systems what is true to form - I am therefor a subsciber to all, equally.

Greatest I am
Mon 15 Jul, 2019 04:55 pm
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:

'namaste' is an Eastern phrase - Meaning: 'I bow to the 'spirit' within you'.

I thought you may have mistaken my 'kybalion' referral, in a prior post, as a 'kaballah' referral. Some folk mistake the former for the latter - Ezekiels' hidden knowledge has nothing to do with Thoth/Hermes' emerald tablets - As you likely know.

I extract from all belief-systems what is true to form - I am therefor a subsciber to all, equally.


Being an esoteric ecumenist is something I can respect given that that is what I am and why I chose to call myself a Gnostic Christian.

I am not sure what you mean by "subscribe".

I recognize them all but my religion is known for calling out what we see as immoral and that is what had us call Yahweh a demiurge even before Christians foolishly began to read their myths literally and dumbing down Christians. Allah is just as vile.

I can agree that both religions hold some decent rules and laws to live by but are more evil than good thanks to their misogynous and homophobic teachings. Equality seeking they are not.


mark noble
Tue 16 Jul, 2019 08:14 am
@Greatest I am,
Before I respond to your prior post.
Do you perceive the 'serpent', Eden, as the 'good-guy', for want of better words?

Greatest I am
Tue 16 Jul, 2019 10:04 am
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:

Before I respond to your prior post.
Do you perceive the 'serpent', Eden, as the 'good-guy', for want of better words?



Like the Jews, I see Satan as god's loyal opposition.

Gen 3 ends with god saying that man has learned his lessons from the tree of all possible knowledge and has become as gods in the knowing of good and evil. I see that as quite good, while Christians see it as evil and thing man should have obeyed god's command to stay stupid with our eyes closed.

That is why Gnostic Christians are wrongly accused by ignorant and stupid people of being Satanists.

Christians see Original sin in Eden while we and Jews see Original Virtue.

mark noble
Tue 16 Jul, 2019 12:16 pm
@Greatest I am,
It is also a luciferian principle - So it's easily connected - One to the other.
Do you believe the 'serpent' was pursuing its Godly Duty or acting independently?

Greatest I am
Tue 16 Jul, 2019 02:23 pm
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:

It is also a luciferian principle - So it's easily connected - One to the other.
Do you believe the 'serpent' was pursuing its Godly Duty or acting independently?


It would have been out of duty to the human race and god.
Both characters are to serve man, is what I glen from what Jesus says and that is logical as god has no needs or wants that man can serve.

The tree of knowledge is synonymous with a school. The serpent basically tells us to seek education even if commanded to stay stupid and without a moral sense. The serpent helped make it possible for us to graduate and even be able to reproduce.


mark noble
Wed 17 Jul, 2019 06:14 am
@Greatest I am,
Why do you (DL) think this sojourn was initiated?

What is Gods'/Our purpose?


Greatest I am
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 06:21 pm
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:

Why do you (DL) think this sojourn was initiated?

What is Gods'/Our purpose?



We cannot know why chance created what it did or that there was a sentient consciousness involve. None has ever been proven to exist except for humans and some of the lower animals.

Our purpose it seems to me is to do what we have done from day 1.
Learn and progress.

Is that not what you have been doing forever?

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The Anointed
Mon 10 Jun, 2024 05:08 pm
I also wonder why the devil came into the world?.... possibly he was able to do so because of the fall of man?
However, in the story of Adam and Eve it is implied that the snake that convinced Eve to eat the apple was the devil. So the devil was allowed to hang around in the garden of Eden and have influence over Gods creation?

1 Timothy 2, 13; For Adam was created first, and then Eve. And it was not Adam that was deceived, it was the woman who was deceived and broke God’s law.

But it was not a legless snake that deceived Eve, it was indeed a reptile, but an upright walking reptile to who God said in Genesis 3, 14 – 15; “Because you have done this, cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”
The fifth day had ended and the sixth day had begun.
The Anointed
Tue 11 Jun, 2024 02:49 am
@The Anointed,
The one who deceived Eve, was the spiritual godhead to the Most-High species to have developed in the creation before mankind. The one, who had ruled the earth for some 140 million Years, and had become extinct around 66 million years ago, the evolving mind/spirit of the great upright walking reptile, whose earthly body was later cursed and made to crawl on its belly in the dust of the earth.

No species can exist for that length of time, without achieving a high degree of intelligence. Step into a fire, remember the pain and you will never repeat that mistake, it is through Pain and suffering that intelligence begins. We learn through the pain and sufferings that we endure, which pain and suffering is caused by the mistakes that we make in Life. Spare the rod says the Lord, and you will spoil the child.

The extinction of the reptilian dinosaurs some 66 million years ago at the close of the fifth creative day, was a blessing to mankind who is created on the sixth creative day, as they would have been the greatest threat to the continued evolution of mankind from our ancestors ‘The Mammals,’
The Anointed
Tue 11 Jun, 2024 08:44 pm
@The Anointed,
The six days of creation are referred to in GENISES 2, 4: as the six generations of the universe. The first generation or creative day according to the scriptures began when God said ’LET THERE BE LIGHT’ with the creation of the gigantic first-generation Hydrogen stars that lit up the darkness of the black space in which they were created

This was the first universal day as those hydrogen stars exploded into light and life over an unknown period of time. That first creative day or generation of the universe came to an end when the last of those massive Hydrogen stars exploded as supernovae, and collapsed into a black hole, and evening descended on the first universal day.

By the close of the sixth DAY in which MANKIND was created, the universe was completed and the creator God ‘Elohim’ rested on the seventh day. Then Adam was created by JAHEL (‘LORD to the glory of God’) on a barren and lifeless world with the seeds of the previous age still viable within the frozen yet thawing soil, which seed the Lord God used to ‘plant a garden.’ See Genesis 2, 8.

In the previous chapter (chapter 1), the Israelite God is referred to as Elohim, a Hebrew word that actually translates as ‘God’. However, in Chapter 2, God is referred to as Yahweh, of which the most common English translation is ‘I AM WHO I AM’ and is normally translated into English as ‘LORD’ because Jews eventually declined to speak this sacred name Yahweh. Although in Genesis chapter 2 and three, both names, as Yahweh Elohim (‘LORD God’) is used.

Adamah is a Hebrew word that is translatable as ground, earth or planet. Adam literally means "red", and there is an etymological connection between Adam and Adamah which designates ‘red clay’ or red ground, red earth, etc.
The Anointed
Fri 14 Jun, 2024 11:53 pm
@The Anointed,
Adamah is a Hebrew word that is translatable as ground, earth or planet. Adam literally means "red", and there is an etymological connection between Adam and Adamah which designates ‘red clay’ or red ground, red earth, etc.

At the close of each creative day = period of universal activity, the observer says that he was pleased with what he saw, then came the evening which preceded the next creative day, but on the sixth creative day, after the observer had witnessed the creation of all the great beasts of the earth, which included the dinosaurs, it is written that the observer was pleased with what he saw, but evening does not follow immediately, Elohim then says. And now let us make man in our image etc, not Adam, but man.

Adam is created all alone, on the seventh day, on a barren earth, not by “EL the creator God, but by “Jahel,” [according to the Hebrew Pseudepigrapha] who is “Lord to the glory of EL the creator.” and although the seeds of the plants were still in the barren, frozen yet thawing earth, no rain had fallen, etc, etc, and Jahel was to later use those preexisting seeds to plant a garden for Adam. See Genesis 2, 8.

It's written in the ancient scriptures, that the feet of God's son were on earth but his head was in paradise, this was before the creation of mankind, but knowing the animal spirit of the lower place would be the destruction of his son who was evolving in paradise, God put his son into a deep sleep, by destroying the body of the most high creation on earth from which the spirits=information, was gathered in the evolution of his spiritual Son in paradise.

This was done by bringing all terrestrial life on earth to a finish by a cataclysmic comet collision, and the last word from his forming spiritual son as he watched the earthly body from which he was being formed, brought to its finish, was “Mother.” The Lord then formed out of clay, an image of himself and commanded all the living spiritual godheads of the earthly species, which had been destroyed, to bow before his image, this was the division of all the spirits which had been gathered into the glorious heavenly simulacrum, the brilliant light body of God’s evolving heavenly Son, the pre-human Adam.

Those who bowed before the image of God were the enclosure of spirits of which Adam was their compilation. Those who refused to bow before the new creation were the enclosure of spirits of which Eve was their compilation, and she was named after the last word spoken by God’s Son before he fell asleep, “Mother,” or that is to say “Eve,” which name means ‘Mother.”

The spirit who refused to bow before the image of God and who had been hurled down to the earth, then understood that God was about to bring in a new creation and he thought to bring Adam down, and in such form, that is
, he was able to deceive Eve, but he couldn’t touch Adam.

Let me read to you from the Book of Adam and Eve, whether or not you believe what the spirit is trying to reveal to you in this story, is up to you.

After Adam had been driven out of paradise and cast down to the lower place following the great event in which the life on earth from which he had been formed had been annihilated, he cried out to the devil who was tormenting his wife ‘Eve,’ “Why do you torment us so?” And with a heavy sigh, the devil spake: “O Adam! All my hostility, envy, and sorrow is for thee, since it is for thee that I have been expelled from my glory, which I possessed in the heavens in the midst's of the angels and for thee was I cast down to the earth.’ TO BE CONTINUED .
The Anointed
Sat 15 Jun, 2024 03:44 pm
@The Anointed,
Let me read to you from the Book of Adam and Eve, whether or not you believe what the spirit is trying to reveal to you in this story, is up to you.

After Adam had been driven out of paradise and returned to the lower place just after the great event in which the life on earth had been annihilated, from which he had been formed, he cried out to the devil who was tormenting his wife ‘Eve,’ “Why do you torment us so?” And with a heavy sigh, the devil spake: “O Adam! All my hostility, envy, and sorrow is for thee, since it is for thee that I have been expelled from my glory, which I possessed in the heavens in the midsts of the angels and for thee was I cast down to the earth.’

Adam answered, “What dost thou tell me? What have I done to thee, or what is my fault against thee? Seeing that thou hast received no harm or injury from us, why dost thou pursue us? The Devil replied, “Adam, what dost thou tell me? It is for thy sake that I have been hurled from that place. When thou wast formed, I was hurled out of the presence of God and banished from the company of the angels. When God blew into thee the breath of life, and thy face and thy likeness were made in the image of God, Michael also brought thee and made us worship thee in the sight of God; and God the Lord (Jahel or Lord to the glory of El the creator) spake: Here is Adam. I have made thee in our image and likeness.” And Michael went out and called all the angels saying: “Worship the image of God as the (Lord God) hath commanded.”

And Michael himself worshipped first; then he called me and said, “Worship the image of God the Lord.” And I answered, “I have no need to worship Adam.” And since Michael kept urging me to worship, I said to him, “Why dost thou urge me?” I will not worship an inferior being than me. I am his senior in the creation; before he was made, I was already made. It is Adam’s duty to worship me.”

When the angels who were under me, heard this, they also refused to worship Adam, And Michael saith, “Worship the image of God, (The Most High and Lord of Creatures) but if thou wilt not worship him, the Lord God will be wrath with thee.” But he, said, “If he be wrath with me, I will set my seat above the stars of heaven and will be like the highest himself.” And God the Lord was wrath with me and banished me and my angels from our glory; and on thy account, were we expelled from our abodes into this world and were hurled on the earth. And straight way we were overcome with grief, since we had been spoiled of so great glory.

And we were grieved when we saw thee in such Joy and luxury (In the Garden of Eden). And with guile I (The Spiritual godhead of the upright walking serpent) cheated thy wife Eve and caused thee to be expelled through her doing from thy joy and luxury, as I have been driven out of my glory, etc. It is also written somewhere else in the Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, that after Satan had been hurled down to the earth of the sixth cycle of universal activity and while Adam was still in Paradise, the ruling spirit in the enclosure that was Eve whose pregnant body today has become the entire body of mankind, then understood that God was about to bring in a new creation and he thought to bring Adam down, and in such form he was able to deceive Eve, but he was unable to touch Adam.

It is the evolving spirit of God’s Son, who is developing within the body of EVE, the expanded and pregnant androgynous body of Mankind, which body must endure great pains and tribulation before she bears, “The Son of Man,” the new androgynous body of light that evolves from mankind.
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