@The Anointed,
Quote: Adamah is a Hebrew word that is translatable as ground, earth or planet. Adam literally means "red", and there is an etymological connection between Adam and Adamah which designates ‘red clay’ or red ground, red earth, etc.
At the close of each creative day = period of universal activity, the observer says that he was pleased with what he saw, then came the evening which preceded the next creative day, but on the sixth creative day, after the observer had witnessed the creation of all the great beasts of the earth, which included the dinosaurs, it is written that the observer was pleased with what he saw, but evening does not follow immediately, Elohim then says. And now let us make man in our image etc, not Adam, but man.
Adam is created all alone, on the seventh day, on a barren earth, not by “EL the creator God, but by “Jahel,” [
according to the Hebrew Pseudepigrapha] who is “Lord to the glory of EL the creator.” and although the seeds of the plants were still in the barren, frozen yet thawing earth, no rain had fallen, etc, etc, and Jahel was to later use those preexisting seeds to plant a garden for Adam. See Genesis 2, 8.
It's written in the ancient scriptures, that the feet of God's son were on earth but his head was in paradise, this was before the creation of mankind, but knowing the animal spirit of the lower place would be the destruction of his son who was evolving in paradise, God put his son into a deep sleep, by destroying the body of the most high creation on earth from which the spirits=information, was gathered in the evolution of his spiritual Son in paradise.
This was done by bringing all terrestrial life on earth to a finish by a cataclysmic comet collision, and the last word from his forming spiritual son as he watched the earthly body from which he was being formed, brought to its finish, was “
Mother.” The Lord then formed out of clay, an image of himself and commanded all the living spiritual godheads of the earthly species, which had been destroyed, to bow before his image, this was the division of all the spirits which had been gathered into the glorious heavenly simulacrum, the brilliant light body of God’s evolving heavenly Son, the pre-human Adam.
Those who bowed before the image of God were the enclosure of spirits of which Adam was their compilation. Those who refused to bow before the new creation were the enclosure of spirits of which Eve was their compilation, and she was named after the last word spoken by God’s Son before he fell asleep, “
Mother,” or that is to say “Eve,” which name means ‘Mother.”
The spirit who refused to bow before the image of God and who had been hurled down to the earth, then understood that God was about to bring in a new creation and he thought to bring Adam down, and in such form, that is
, he was able to deceive Eve, but he couldn’t touch Adam.
Let me read to you from the Book of Adam and Eve, whether or not you believe what the spirit is trying to reveal to you in this story, is up to you.
After Adam had been driven out of paradise and cast down to the lower place following the great event in which the life on earth from which he had been formed had been annihilated, he cried out to the devil who was tormenting his wife ‘Eve,’ “Why do you torment us so?” And with a heavy sigh, the devil spake: “O Adam! All my hostility, envy, and sorrow is for thee, since it is for thee that I have been expelled from my glory, which I possessed in the heavens in the midst's of the angels and for thee was I cast down to the earth.’