I'm starting this thread with the intention of our sharing links to articles on matters of land use - site design, engineering, architecture, planning, construction, land art....
Please comment on the articles and add some of your own, as the spirit moves you.
I'll change the title when I or someone else adds a new subject link.
Many of the articles that tweak my interest come from one source, ArchNewsNow.com, which follows these subjects in a variety of newspapers, but occasionally from other sources, such as my local newspaper North Coast Journal or from a magazine such as the New Yorker.
One problem I've run into before when trying to give links on some of the pieces I've been interested in is that some of them are from newspapers you have to register to read at, such as the New York Times. I'll probably still give the links, but will try to mention if it is a register-to-read site.
Ahem, the subject in the title is apt to be on the last page...
Here's an article in The Christian Science Monitor on Denver reinventing itself -
Denver Reinvents Itself