First, calm down and relax.
Ask yourself which of the art mediums most interests you and has held your attention more than any of the others. If one in particular stands out, that may be the direction to go.
If there is one area in which you are better at, perhaps consider that as the item to list when applying to colleges and universities.
When selecting a school, try to find one which meets your needs. In this case, a school with top credentials and rankings, along with a good selection of courses in all, or at least most of the subjects you mentioned.
Quite often when applying for college it's difficult to make a decision. It's okay. You can change direction any time you choose. The thing which most excited you now may shift to a a different subject in a year or more. You can also switch to another school if they seem to be more in line with where you feel you are headed.
As to the future and career, calm down. That's still a few years off. A lot can change between now and then. I entered college with a strong interest in history (history major, theology minor) and exited with a degree in science and went on to become a science teacher.
Just remember there are many roads and you can always decide to go along a different one than the one you start out on.
Here's hoping that your future is happy.