Marvel Universe...

Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 03:10 am
Uh oh... I'm about to show how little I know. Stand back...

I understand that the Marvel and DC Universes will probably never meet. But why are there so many in the Marvel Universe who have never met?

In the Marvel movies (I love them!) we have just witnessed the annihilation of 50% of all life in the (Marvel) Universe because of Thanos's actions with the Infinity Stones.

OK, I understand that Superman doesn't exist in this dimension or universe, nor does Wonder Woman, etc. (though I believe we are about to meet her counterpart, Captain Marvel, who in this universe is a woman).

But where are the X-Men? Why hasn't Nick Fury recruited them for the team, or at least approach them for possible backup? At least it seems he calls on Marvel. But wouldn't it be fascinating to see Prof. X get inside Hulk's tangled mind? Or attempt to control Thanos, like Mantis but with more finesse and intricacy than just "Go to sleep..."?

Is the Silver Surfer still riding the gamma waves of the universe? Has he nothing to say about the destruction of half his fans?

There must be others -- I have been away from the comic book world for decades. But where are all these -- or at least hints of these other heroes?

Maybe they are in the wings waiting for their moment? Seems to me it came and went already...
Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 06:14 am
I predict they will appear when there is profit to be made.
Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 08:51 am
shows how little I know, I didn't understand anything seizan said, but perfectly understood rosbornes answer. Wink
Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 09:02 am
Im starting my grden seeds, and I use a MARVEL full component organic fertilizer mad or seed starting and transplanting.

Dont go to many movies unless theres a potential story there. The only suprhero movies I actually liked were the Peter Parker was played by McGuire (dont know his first ame) , and there was an actual story behind the whole SPider personage.

I did like the first 2 Jurssic Prks, and "I am NUMBER 4".

Outside a that, I love movies about Artists lives, Westerns,Biographies, Sea Sagas,

Is there something wrong with me? The way most a you guys can repeat the family trees and plots of all these movies kinda scares me about my apparent lack of imagination.

Id like to see a movie abou Helen Frankenthaler, Robert Motherwell, Frank Frazetta or Roy Chapman Andrews, s well as the rise of the Ford GT turbines in their capture of duration racing in the lte 60's
Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 09:07 am
If somebody turned the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers into a super hero movie, I'd be in.
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Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 09:17 am
Yeah, I feel so out of the loop.

Awhile back, when that Black Panther movie came out? I didn't have a clue about it, but heard all the buzz about, um, well I don't know. something? I thought it was some kind of either historical based film on either the political group, or well, I'm not really sure. Something monumental as far as import. That's what I got out of the way people were talking.

So I saw it listed on NF, and started to watch. After not too long, I was like "wtf? This is about cartoon superheros or something?" I fast forwarded to make sure, and lost interest.

It's not that I object to the genre, but it seems people talk about this stuff as if it's reality.
Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 09:32 am
I would suggest the lack of crossing over for all of the MU characters is giving the writers an out for eventually defeating Thanos.
Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 09:40 am
My feelings about Black Panther sorta mirrored yours. WTF? "What else is on"?? Id rather watch one of thse gold hunting shows where the only plot line is "WE GOTTA FIND X AMOUNT OF GOLD BEFORE WINTER""
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Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 10:10 am
Long before the Marvel Cinematic Universe began making big profits, they signed away the movie rights for many of their characters to other movie studios. It took some tricky negotiations just for them to get the ability to use Spider Man in the MCU films.

I think I read though that the Disney/Fox merger brought a bunch of the characters back under the same roof again. So maybe in the future we'll see some new blood in the MCU storyline.
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Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 10:26 am
Thanos was defeated by Adam Warlock.
Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 10:30 am
Oh, thanks. About the only part of this I know is Winter Soldier and Guardians.
Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 10:39 am
My son has a load of Marvel collections books I'm reading to him as his bedtime story. One of the books is about Adam Warlock, he's one of those really powerful superheroes like captain Marvel and the Silversurfer.

It turns out Thanos and Warlock are like Yin and Yan, life and death, only one can defeat the other. Adam Warlock succeeds but sort of dies in the process. He ends up in a paradise world with his dead friends, whether or not it's the actual afterlife or something else is not specified.
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Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 10:46 am
I don't know if this helps.

When the Stranger attempts to steal Warlock's Soul Gem, Warlock learns about five other related gems. Thanos gains possession of these gems with the intention of destroying Earth's sun. When Thanos causes mortal harm to Pip and Gamora, Warlock takes their souls to end their suffering. Warlock then enlists the aid of the Avengers, Captain Marvel, and Moondragon to stop Thanos. During the battle, Warlock's younger self appears and takes the older Warlock's soul. Inside the gem, Adam is reunited with Pip, Gamora and others in a utopia known as Soul World.[38] Warlock's soul is temporarily freed from the Soul Gem, allowing him to turn Thanos to stone and save Earth.

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Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 01:15 pm
Seizan wrote:

I understand that the Marvel and DC Universes will probably never meet.

They have in comics, but likely never will in movies.

But why are there so many in the Marvel Universe who have never met?

This comes down to contracts that were made before the "Marvel Universe" was a thing.

1) Spider-Man was licensed out to Sony way back in 1985 and it was a contract that didn't have an expiration date as long as Sony keeps on making Spider-Man and Spider-Man universe movies (see Venom, and the cartoon spider man movie released this year). Sony and Disney reached a deal to include Spider Man in the MU.

2) The Fantastic Four and related characters were licensed to Constantin Films back in 1986 and now are owned by 20th Century Fox. This contract also doesn't have an expiration date as long as movies keep coming out every few years. Silver Surfer is a Fantastic Four character.

3) The X-Men and related characters were licensed to 20th Century Fox back in 1994...still no expiration date as long as movies keep getting made every few years.

So, the reason we don't get these awesome characters in the Marvel Universe is because of contracts that Marvel entered into well before it was known that comic book movies could be so profitable. Disney has been trying to buy the rights back (and recently completely bought 20th Century Fox film company which is expected to close sometime this year) but those are legal issues and money related issues. I think you'll see the Fantastic Four and X-Men join in once 20th Century Fox is integrated in to Disney.

Hope that helps.
Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 08:04 pm
Sheesh, we've left the splendid Comic Book Universe and entered the Universe of Mundanity: Politics and Profits... I thought (in my innocence) all the Marvel characters were able to interact with all other Marvel characters in any possible movies. Now I find out they are "owned" by various corporations and they can't come out to play together...

I'm going back under my rock. Wake me when Tonks comes back...
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Reply Thu 21 Feb, 2019 09:58 pm
ANYBODY ver hard of THE BLUE BEETLE?? it was one of the earlier radio Superheros. He apparently ore a blued steel chain mesh suit and then haddda be driven around by a helper who sounded vaguely like the Michael Caine character in the batman movies (I think it was batman, you know they all look alike)
Reply Fri 22 Feb, 2019 01:50 am
farmerman wrote:


Only this one.

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Real Music
Reply Fri 22 Feb, 2019 01:11 pm
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Reply Fri 22 Feb, 2019 03:28 pm
farmerman wrote:

ANYBODY ver hard of THE BLUE BEETLE?? it was one of the earlier radio Superheros. He apparently ore a blued steel chain mesh suit and then haddda be driven around by a helper who sounded vaguely like the Michael Caine character in the batman movies (I think it was batman, you know they all look alike)

Yes, he currently has a symbiotic relationship that gives him powers. He replaced Cyborg on The Teen Titans after he became part of Justice League.

Not at all the character you describe, but I suspect that was a while ago.

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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2021 10:26 pm
maporsche wrote:
I think you'll see the Fantastic Four and X-Men join in once 20th Century Fox is integrated in to Disney.

"The Fantastic Four will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe in an upcoming movie directed by Jon Watts"

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