thethinkfactory wrote:Who here used 'Wicked' I think that is a Pensylvania thing...
As in 'That is wicked bad.' It is a superlative connoting adjective I think.
I first heard the term "wicked" used in that context when I moved to Massachusetts.
Here's an even weirder one...
People in Massachusetts reverse their contractions. They say "Don't" instead of "Did" and "Doesn't" instead of "Does".
For example, if you tell someone in New England that you have a red car, and they also have one, they will say, "So don't I".
Or if you say, "Bill likes to play basketball", they will say, "So doesn't George".
I've asked several people about this, and they either deny ever doing it, or they simply can't explain whey they say it that way.
It's VERY strange, and I've never figured out where, or why that linguistic oddity started.