I am interested in learning the science of it all due to the reports of transformers dying from overheating when a mechanical doorbell button gets stuck and a possible resulting fire hazard.
My particular transformer outputs 0.83A (20VA/24V) max. Nest recommends a minimum of 16V-10VA (=0.62A) transformer and I chose a slightly higher rated one as I have 2 chimes. There are no power consumption specs I could find for any video doorbells anywhere. But there was a guy who measured power draw of a similar Ring Doorbell on a blog or a forum, I can’t find the source at the moment, but his measured readings were something like 0.4A in standby, 0.6A when video triggered, and 0.9A when button pressed (I could be slightly off on the numbers, but that’s the ball park). If those numbers are correct, I guess Nest draws slightly less than Ring doorbell, but it would still be pretty close to the transformer’s maximum rated capacity.
I’m trying to understand how this continuous draw from a digital doorbell is different from a continuous draw from a mechanical button getting stuck and overheating the transformer.