It was really neat. Theangle in the sky made it so that I hqdda tilt my tripods in a weird up angle.
I went outside several times during the approach to totality and, because of the clouds skidding by in the high winds, there was always a erie glare. So when I started getting shots it was nice to haveboth spot shots and a couple of time lapse where the camera held the field for the 2 minute shot without any noticeable blurriness except for the clouds. The erie light collected on the clouds and kinda defined the part of the sky where the moon was. Moon didnt appear larger here, I guess out west theyd have more of a Ponzi effect near mountains.
So I had the fun of both,1. seeing it occur in life AND 2. making a stack of shots on a San disc that I have set aside for sky shots.
I coulda used the Questar with the clock drive but it woulda needed an extension cord and I was out in the East pasture near the woods where the house lights didnt show .