Awhile, edgar... and now probably longer. I am here NOW, let me wish you many more days of brilliant writing, and fun stories... and long life.
I also salute you Ethelred and Diane, wherever you are. Hello to Sumac, to longdog, and Joandark. And still missing judianne, susanWozniac, dlowan, Joan, piffka, letty, Marly, Misti---the sweet tones of Peace and Love with her grand border collie stories.There were SO many more...like Kara, and My dear friend and confidant... Valdo; jdorel, who has gone on to Glory, along with Jane and Noddy. Ulshmidt from Austria, and Jespah from New England... all of you contributed to the new experience of my life, having a computer to make friends. There are more, and my mind fails me... as strength begins to fail me MORE with each passing day. But I wont forget. I promise. I will love you all, (you too, Swimpy and osso...) and call your name when I pray.
s'long... lou