Would you boys like to be alone?
Oh, and why would us boys want to be alone?
So you can compare avatars and admire yourselves?
Did you know that where we come from men are men and women are glad of it?
I thought there was something fishy about those two FF.
You noticed too uh?
Are you trying to bait me?
Are you ready to be reeled in?
Wouldn't I rather be off the hook?
Did I just walk into a battle of the sexs?
Would you like to borrow a sword or shield?
What if I said I had PMS and a gun?
Is that supposed to frighten me? PMS is Private Message Service isn't it
Am I the only one scared of Private Message Services??
Oh, so now you think you're special?
Why is it always about you?
Are you saying I'm hearing things that aren't there?
Do you see things that aren't there also?
Are you saying that there aer no such thing as ghosts?