Wed 30 Mar, 2005 04:35 pm
u know vitamin drinks that are colors are they good
post opinion
not too sure...theyd probably have colourings added, umm. unless they were natural i dont think that they would be that good..but im not sure..

All Natural. No preservatives, additives, additional sugar, or artificial colorings. Goes for around $100 US a liter.
and of sufficient proof to supply the needed incendiary fluid that powers a decent molatov cocktail
Yeah, it is authoritative. Real smooth, though - a superb sippin' whiskey.
I was a gin guy. Beefeaters, in the freezer. Taken internally straight and frozen with a lemon splash.
TODAY, ask me and Id say that my family keeps the Barritts soda company going. We consume Barritts ginger beer like water. Damn good ginger beer. For the abstemious, its a nice alternative to the canned sugar pop and the over priced insipid bottled water
I appreciate a good gin - neat and very, very cold, or with tonic and lemon. A favorite is Bombay Saphire. Life's to short for cheap booze.
In Asia, all the british and SA gins were giveaways. There wasno such thing as cheap gin. Tang and Boodles or Bombay were like rubbing alcohol. Of course,
Today, I celebrate Barritts ginger beer. Thats about as exciting a beverage Ill consume.
Hey! Fat Tire! A CO girl at my sister's work can't get that here, she laments.