Wed 30 Oct, 2002 08:15 pm
I just had to throw this in to those of you out ther that understand me, but I wish to share with you a bit of writing from "Montagine, Essays 3.13"
The Author states that
Quote: " Medicine always claims that experience is the test of it's opperations. Plato therefore was right in saying that to become a true doctor, a man must have experienced all illnesses he hopes to cure and all the accidents and cicumstances he is to diagnose... Such a man I would trust. For the rest guide us like the person who paints seas, rocks and harbors while sitting at his table and sails his model ship in perfect safety. Throw him into the real thing, and he does not know where to begin.
Hmmmm..... The admonishment "Physician, heal thyself." springs to mind.
As Frank Lloyd Wright said:
"The physician can bury his mistakes, but the architect can only advise his client to plant vines."