Mon 28 Mar, 2005 11:22 pm
My honey brought home pizza tonight. We sat in front of the television, ate our pizza, and caught the season primiere of The Bachelor. Well, I didn't exactly catch all of it because I was doing laundry and ironing clothes, but I watched enough to roll my eyes more than once! Where do they find these people?
The bachelor is Charlie O'Connell. I guess he's wealthy; he's 29 years old; and by his own admission, he's not a rocket scientist.
He started with a 2 minute date with each of the women. One woman announced she was a swimsuit model, then stripped to show him her skimpy swimsuit. She sat down beside him, she whipped a poem she had written out of her bikini top, and began reading. (On their next meeting, she informed him that she was a swimsuit model only part-time -- the rest of the time she is an undercover agent for the government. WHACKY!)
By the end of the show, I was thoroughly convinced that the bachelor is about as intelligent as Beevis or Butthead and is about as shallow as a kiddy pool. What you see is what you get: A party boy with a few too many fried brain cells who likes to drink body shots from a woman's belly button. (One heck of a way to piss off all the other women on the group date! The other women are wondering out loud -- if that's what it takes to get a rose -- do they really want to be there.)
lol, one person was smart enough to get out of the club date thing, but she came back at the end.
What can I say, I watch too much television.
I laughed more at this episode than ever before - the ladies are rough as he is.
i totally agree with you guys. my roommate loves this show..she always has these Bachelor get togethers in our dorm every monday night. i dont know what people like about this show, but i cant stand it.
The bachelor, Shallow Hal . . . I mean, Brain-Cell Dead Charlie, is down to three girls. It doesn't look like he has discovered a love connection with any of them. There are two Sarahs and a Krissly left.
Big Sarah is a blonde snake. If words could kill, she would be a skilled assassin. I don't think she cares at all about Charlie, but she does wants to win the competition. Charlie, on the other hand, has never hidden the fact that he is most attracted to Big Sarah.
Little Sarah is a nice girl, but she's completely incompatible with Charlie. She has far more brain cells than he has ever had -- and he has fried whatever brain cells he might have been initially blessed with at birth.
Krissly was kept, I suppose, to give Big Sarah a target for her acrid verbal assaults. In fairness, though, Krissly brought it on herself by trying to pick on Big Sarah first. If Krissly thought that Big Sarah would slink off into some corner and start crying, Krissy was mistaken. Krissly clearly underestimated the cold brutality of her competition.
In the end, Charlie will pick one of these girls . . . and I could care less. The entertainment value of the Bachelor series is minimal, at best.
All three girls are flown to Aruba for overnight dates with Charlie.
Big Sarah is overconfident. She knows she's the most beautiful and the most fun girl in the whole world. Her enormous ego doesn't fit within the confines of my big-screen television.
Little Sarah finally makes a tiny love connection with Charlie. They have their first real kiss. This is definitely a mismatch. Nevertheless, Little Sarah thinks she's falling in love with the overgrown party boy.
Krissly tells Charlie that she's not in his league and that she feels like Cinderella. She doesn't want to spend the night with Charlie if he's going to send her packing at the Rose Ceremony because her heart would be broken. Charlie entices her to spend the night anyway. It took him all of two seconds to get her in the bedroom.
Charlie gives roses to Little Sarah and Krissly sending Big Sarah (and her big ego) away in a tearful ride to the airport. I feel so sad for her as she laments that people are prejudiced against her because she's beautiful -- she likens her dilemma to racism.
You're hooked now Debra! Now you will be forced to watch the finale.
Debra seems like an intelligent woman. Not for long. By the time she's done watching that series she will have three, possibly four brain cells left. Not enough to lnteract in today's society.
I barely get by with 14.
Ha! Unlike so many other people, I don't kill off my brain cells by drinking or partying. Instead of frying them off little by little, I have stored them up to get me through a few seasons of reality television. It pays to save.
It's over.
Charlie choose little Sarah. He gave her a promise ring; he promised to be the best boyfriend; and she's moving to L.A.
Yeah - I saw it Debra - I admit it. After survivor being so boring, I had to try to find some sort of controversy.