Quote oralloy:
Quote:The Syrians were flying obsolete Vietnam-era MiGs (and configured for ground attack). And the Syrian pilots had no dogfighting skills.
Yeah, and the dog ate their homework. Excuses excuses. Fact is, the Syrians had Russian built planes and were trained by Russians, and 100 Russian supplied Syrian fighter jets got shot down by American fighter jets while no Syrian fighter jet successfully shot down an American fighter jet
Quote oralloy:
Quote:That's not how things turned out when American pilots in the Vietnam and Korean wars went up against then-modern air-superiority fighters flown by highly skilled Soviet pilots.
Again, you've got to lay off reading those right wing websites. I keep tellin' ya, they get their info from the Russkies and just repost it, thereby saving money on actual reporters.
In the Korean War, American fighters had a "kill ratio" of 10:1, (ten enemy fighters shot down for each American fighter lost).
For the US Air Force in Vietnam, it was5.5:1 for the early years of the war and 15:1 for the later years. For the US Navy in Vietnam it was 6.4:1 for the early years then 8.5:1. This is for fighter jets shooting at other fighter jets, not fighter jets shooting at cargo planes or bombers. The fighter-on-fighter stats are called "
MiGCAP" stats.
Your conclusion that the huge advantage in military spending for the US over any other country does not pay off in superior weapons is proven wrong. Our warplanes have always been better than anything the Russians can make. Partly because of our experience, partly because of how much more we spend. The Russians are way behind us, as they are way behind us now with our new F-35s.
Trying to accuse the Democrats of ignoring natonal defense is nonsense, especially considering the submissive pose Trump takes toward Putin. It really is nauseating to see an American president humiliated the way Putin humiliates Trump.