Sun 21 Oct, 2018 06:21 pm
I am loosing power on one buss bar and gaining on the other side. When I turn on my garage lights I can not open garage doors. Tested main in subpanel and have 120v on both side without the garage lights on. When I do turn on the lights it drops on one side to around 85v and goes up on the other to about 180v.
sounds like your garage receptacle breaker/circuit and garage light breaker/circuit are accidently connected together somewhere. trouble shooting the switch in the garage would be your best bet, next would be the receptacle closest to the switch could have been getting a accidental wire from the switch. Hopefully you can find the receptacle in the garage with two circuits in it and wire nut the wrong circuit. the garage receptacles are supposed to be on their own circuit with nothing else on it. I would just turn off the garage receptacle breaker and test all the receptacles in there to see which ones still turn on.