OldGrumpy wrote:Yes I know, but I am referring to their 'place' in the 'hierarchy'.
I thought you would understand that,
You say, 'the hierarchy,' as if it is an objective thing that exists outside of human cultural information. Hierarchies and places within them are just logics for justifying selective application of force.
What you have to understand is that violence and force are hardwired into the brains of all animals, not just humans. What's different about humans is we have the capacity to exercise foresight and control/discipline ourselves to avert consequences.
That foresight and self-control/discipline can be abused by people who want to enforce arbitrary prerogative over others, or people can reason with each other about what is good to achieve, which is beyond personal prerogative. Some people reject this, claiming that even reason itself is just a way of dressing up the prerogative to subjugate some according to the prerogative of others.
What is clear to me is that, ideally, people should all respect and honor each others' liberty, but I don't think there is unlimited freedom to behave however you want and then blame others where you are attacked for doing things that are deemed unacceptable for various reasons. Sometimes you can legitimately complain if you are disciplined for something that isn't actually a problem, like your race/ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, etc. but other times you are actually guilty of doing things or participating in culture that may not be criminal, i.e. because the democratic legislative process doesn't always work to criminalize and control everything that's bad, but you are still guilty of causing detriment, and then you should realize that when detriment is being caused, by government, private individuals/businesses, and/or both; the situation is going to keep escalating. You can complain that you're being treated unfairly, and truly you are, but there's no way around it because it is something that happens irregardless of what the government or anyone else would do to control it. Ultimately, some things are only solved by independent self-discipline of free individuals, and in the absence of that self-control, things just keep getting worse without any hope for controlling them by external means - yet the external attempts to control them by force and violence will keep getting progressively harsher.
Quote:Quote:People are all ultimately just living human bodies.
I disagree here.
I didn't say that's all they are, but they are souls embodied in bodies, like other animals. They/we all have to deal with the architecture of our biological and other material 'infrastructure.'
Quote:It depends from what level you are looking at it.
Anyway, at the moment, the people at the 'top',
want a fascist world. That is their ultimate goal.
If you understand how extremely sick these 'people' really are,,,,
It's a fascist fiction to imagine that fascism comes from the top-down. During/after WWII it was called the 'cult of the fuhrer.' In reality, the people want certain things, which they see as possible given proper use of top-down authority/power. Thus the people vocalize and urge their desires and complaints about authority in order to push people in 'positions of power' to effectuate the will of the people/majority.
If everyday people were perfectly disciplined and benevolent, it would be difficult if not impossible to achieve fascist authoritarianism. It is because everyday people view themselves as relatively powerless that they feel comfortable exercising the power they have to effectuate top-down authority to satisfy their desires, which are mostly centered around material desires.
People are sinners in the religious sense, driven by greed, envy, lust, gluttony, pride, etc. Pride causes them to deny that they are bad. You will here them say things like, "well I would like to make more money than I do, but I wouldn't say I am greedy," They justify their greed by noting that there are lots of people richer than they are, which is an expression of envy. Pride is what causes them to deny and whitewash their sins, including pride. They will get angry at someone like me saying this because it hurts their pride. Humans have the capacity to confess/repent these sins, humble themselves, and rise above the petty fascism, but doing so requires effort and sacrifice; so they generally prefer to just blame others, especially "people in power," for what mostly comes from the bottom-up.