parados, he "believes" Boyles law cuz he can test it. I assume then tht he Believes the Ideal gas law which is an outgrowth of the former. The IGL has a lot in common with decay functions of radionuclides (which he cannot buy). Each of these are governed by the same units ( gram mole wt) , further we can measure the decay products and compute the gm m wts of the originals. Gospelman , you brought up Boyles law, I just went one step further and we are now on the same page by your own apparent belief, and no animals were harmed in the making of this belief
Its a lot like E=mc^2 is just an extreme extension of F=ma or F=mv^2.
Quote, "
LOL. Well, at least I'm honest about it and not trying to be an imposter" But at least I admit who I am from the very beginning to everybody on a2k. Hey, maybe that's the reason they don't take me too seriously! LOL
Who are you? How do I know you're not an imposter?
Only a few people on a2k really know me, and they have strick orders to keep it private.
Funny, I was curious about you a few weeks ago.
I enlarged your avatar, but it just got very blurry--unviewable.
Is that you in the avatar (one of them?)
Yes, the earth was created in six 24-hour days. Here's one thesis to support it, but I can find many more if you wish. It's up to you to refute the arguments presented.'the%2024%20hour%20days%20of%20creation'
BTW, it was taken at the very first a2k gathering in San Francisco last year in April. Since then, I've been to a2k gatherings in Austin, London (2nd one), and Lippstadt, Germany.
Nice. I should go to one of those gatherings. I'd go as imposter though. Incognito.
After some of the stuff I've shared here...hmmm...what to do...?
I know. I'd change my screename, then only post very wonderful things about myself. Then show up as that entity! The internet is great.
em, If only you can "fake" the number of posts with your imposter screenname. Let me know when you learn how to do that.
You'd be the only attendee appearing Incognito, but I'm sure that'll be acceptable to all the other folks that show up. Don't expect any drink sharing, though. We wouldn't know who we're buying for.
i wont mention any names, but i see some here that do that :wink:
maybe they like short sentences, and to be master's of minimalist brevity
cicerone imposter wrote:You'd be the only attendee appearing Incognito, but I'm sure that'll be acceptable to all the other folks that show up. Don't expect any drink sharing, though. We wouldn't know who we're buying for.
And you'd know who I was, cause I'd be the only igcognito one! Easy to figure out.