Brock Landers doesn't ring a bell, littlek?
Anyway Kicky, which for you? Jessica or Foxy?
Well, since I've only seen about twenty minutes of that Drawn Together show, I'd have to go with Jessica Rabbit. I'm not sure though. Which one has bigger tits? I pick her.
It all rings vague bells..... I haven't watch Boogie Nights since it came out.
kickycan wrote:Well, since I've only seen about twenty minutes of that Drawn Together show, I'd have to go with Jessica Rabbit. I'm not sure though. Which one has bigger tits? I pick her.
Jessica Rabbit it is for you then. I'm still torn.
blueveinedthrobber wrote: I'm still torn.
If you're slick about it, Rip Torn might be able to squeeze you in.
That's a tough one. They're both hot. Since I don't really dig on girls sexually, I gotta go with who's more appealing visually. In this case...I'm goin' with my girl Jessica.