au1929 wrote:real life
a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
Is that not a fitting description of someone who trys to force their religion on others. It may in the light of day disturb you. However, the truth is the truth.
Yes I think we are all familiar with the definition as well as the spelling of the word.
However, maybe you should define the word "force", as it relates to the discussion.
Have you ever been forced by violence, torture or threat of violence to accept a religious view? You probably have not.
Have you ever been forced or coerced by loss of a job to accept a religious view? You probably have not.
Have you ever been forced to meet in secret to share your views , whatever they may be, with others of like mind? You probably have not.
Now let's look at atheism as typified in the past 100 years by Communism.
If you want to see who and what groups have used these types of force to gain compliance with their views, you need look no further back in history than the Communist societies, rooted and built on atheism.
Millions dead and hundreds of millions subjugated to atheism in China, the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, North Korea, and on.
Is this getting a little close to home?
In the modern world (the last few centuries), overwhelmingly it is not Christians who have used force to gain adherents as have atheists.
So let's talk real world today stuff. Are you game?