Dookiestix wrote:Brandon, it's those neocon idiots in power who have so manipulated the masses regarding this Terri Shiavo fiasco. It is THEY'RE ethics which do not jibe with the majority of the American people, because it is THEIR ethics which moved them to politicize this whole mess. This has nothing to do with polls. It has everything to do with what is right. Buy a clue.
What most people would have realized I was saying was that I do not base my morality on "jibing" with the majority. If you do, I feel very sorry for you. It's a pathetic way to form one's ethics.
Dookiestix wrote:One doesn't need a psychic to understand the dispicable motives behind all of this. The fact that we're even discussing this one case ad nauseum, vs. myriad other cases in the past, some of which Dr. Frist personally resided over, is all the proof one needs.
My motive and the apparent motive of friends who agree is outrage over murdering a helpless woman. You go right ahead and assume it's all a big conspriacy. If I had no capacity for empathy, I might try to explain it to myself that way too.
Dookiestix wrote:What planet do you hail from to offer such a disjointed viewpoint?
Explain, if you dare, which I doubt.
Dookiestix wrote:Polls? What polls? The will of the American people seems to be the most important element here, as you neocons will argue for adamently when it mearly serves your purpose.
I have never argued that the will of the majority was relevant to forming my personal system of ethics. What decent person would?
Dookiestix wrote:Quote:Even If I am guilty of guessing motives (which you are, Brandon), that doesn't make you any less guitly of it.
Duh. That was what Goodfielder was pointing out. Do you realize the ridiculous circles your arguments have inspired?
No. Please explain, if you dare, which I doubt.