Has the Schiavo case Become a Political Football?

Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:09 am
parados wrote:
I'd like to know what evidence was clear and convincing that she would refuse treatment? Really like to see that.

It was presented in open court and would be a matter of public record. Easy enough to drive to the courthouse in Florida and ask to see it. That is if you "REALLY" want to see it.

Well, it might be simpler if you just tell us a little of the evidence. You should easily be able to do that if there was some.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:12 am

When you are told of this evidence, you just whine and say it isn't true. At least 3 people testifed to Terri's desire. It has been mentioned here more than once.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:15 am
Bella Dea wrote:
Lash wrote:

Her parents brought it to the forefront. They have been desperately trying to keep their daughter alive. I don't know why people try to act as though that's not the reality.

Under different circumstances, I think that if they wanted to care for her, her husband should at least consider walking away. However, he is convinced that Terri doesn't want to live this way. So he is acting on her behalf.
You have much more confidence in her husband than I. And, I was responding to Squinney's comment that the Congress had picked this up on their own accord. The Schindlers have begged their help.
Lash wrote:


In the absence of evidence that someone wants to die--or doesn't want to die, would you rather err on the side of killing them, or leaving them alive? I think that's the basic question.

That depends. That is a personal choice. We can all say they should do this or that but in reality, the decision lies with the family who is representing the person unable to represent herself. I think it is wrong for the state or gov't to get involved. This is a deeply personal choice.

Families have removed feeding tubes voluntarily because they knew that there was no hope for recovery and that the person being kept "alive" would not want to exist in such a state. However, there are also people who don't care, and want to keep that person around no matter what. Both are choices that are as individual and complex as the families who have to make them.
But your comment to Brandon is that he should find evidence she didn't want to die. I would reiterate in making the decision--one to end a person's life, they should be sure they know her wishes. The onus should be on the one wanting to end her life, not the one wanting to save her.

Three testimonies for death...how many testimonies against. That is not clear and compelling by any stretch of the imagination. Clear and compelling would be a tape by Terry, or something in writing. Proof.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:15 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
There is no evidence except for Michael's word. That legally trumps all the handwringing that is going on....[/b]

Well, at least one person has the integrity to admit the truth. The case rests on the idea that she has chosen death, and that her choice must be protected. But there is no evidence that she did make the choice except for her husband's unsubstantiated claim, which cannot be corroborated based on any other witness or anything she ever wrote down. He may be telling the absolute truth, or lying for whatever reasons he has. The case for starving her rests on nothing, and your big orgy of self-congratulation here rests on nothing.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:18 am
parados wrote:

When you are told of this evidence, you just whine and say it isn't true. At least 3 people testifed to Terri's desire. It has been mentioned here more than once.

This is incorrect. Only her husband has. Please provide a link to a news source or any decent source stating that someone besides her husband has. I don't buy your constant refrain that you have great evidence, and it has been posted all over creation, but you just won't stoop to give any of it. Post a citation for the idea that anyone besides Michael has said he heard this.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:19 am
This is from the Appeals court ruling that upheld the decision about Terri's choice to not live under this condition...

We note that the guardianship court's original order expressly relied upon and found credible the testimony of witnesses other than Mr. Schiavo or the Schindlers. We recognize that Mrs. Schiavo's earlier oral statements were important evidence when deciding whether she would choose in February 2000 to withdraw life-prolonging procedures. See § 765.401(3), Fla. Stat. (2000); In re Guardianship of Browning, 568 So. 2d 4, 16. Nevertheless, the trial judge, acting as her proxy, also properly considered evidence of Mrs. Schiavo's values, personality, and her own decision-making process.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:21 am
parados wrote:
This is from the Appeals court ruling that upheld the decision about Terri's choice to not live under this condition...

We note that the guardianship court's original order expressly relied upon and found credible the testimony of witnesses other than Mr. Schiavo or the Schindlers. We recognize that Mrs. Schiavo's earlier oral statements were important evidence when deciding whether she would choose in February 2000 to withdraw life-prolonging procedures. See § 765.401(3), Fla. Stat. (2000); In re Guardianship of Browning, 568 So. 2d 4, 16. Nevertheless, the trial judge, acting as her proxy, also properly considered evidence of Mrs. Schiavo's values, personality, and her own decision-making process.

Now you're getting desperate. Post evidence that anyone other than Michael ever heard her say she wanted to die, or that anything in writing has been found saying she wanted to die. Ha ha, you can't, and lack the honesty to admit it.
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:21 am
Lash wrote:
Bella Dea wrote:
Lash wrote:

Her parents brought it to the forefront. They have been desperately trying to keep their daughter alive. I don't know why people try to act as though that's not the reality.

Under different circumstances, I think that if they wanted to care for her, her husband should at least consider walking away. However, he is convinced that Terri doesn't want to live this way. So he is acting on her behalf.
You have much more confidence in her husband than I. And, I was responding to Squinney's comment that the Congress had picked this up on their own accord. The Schindlers have begged their help.

I do have more confidence than most people, I realize that. However, I believe that he doesn't have anything to gain from her death. And if you are going to talk to anyone about what you'd want in a situation like this, you'd talk to your spouse. Because that is who usually makes these decisions.

Lash wrote:


In the absence of evidence that someone wants to die--or doesn't want to die, would you rather err on the side of killing them, or leaving them alive? I think that's the basic question.

That depends. That is a personal choice. We can all say they should do this or that but in reality, the decision lies with the family who is representing the person unable to represent herself. I think it is wrong for the state or gov't to get involved. This is a deeply personal choice.

Families have removed feeding tubes voluntarily because they knew that there was no hope for recovery and that the person being kept "alive" would not want to exist in such a state. However, there are also people who don't care, and want to keep that person around no matter what. Both are choices that are as individual and complex as the families who have to make them.
But your comment to Brandon is that he should find evidence she didn't want to die. I would reiterate in making the decision--one to end a person's life, they should be sure they know her wishes. The onus should be on the one wanting to end her life, not the one wanting to save her.[/quote]

My comment to Brandon was in response to his comment that I find evidence that she did want to die. It was to prove a point; that he can be no more sure than I about her wishes. And to call me a liar is to call himself one.
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:25 am
sorry about my post... I can't get that right to save my life today......
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:25 am
ROFLMBO.. Who is desperate here? read the statement.

found credible the testimony of witnesses other than Mr. Schiavo or the Schindlers. We recognize that Mrs. Schiavo's earlier oral statements were important evidence
Are you now incapable of understanding how the English language works? The oral statements were directly related to her wishes to not be kept alive. Somehow you claim they are not? What evidence do you have other than your desperate attempt to not believe what is factual and in front of your face?
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:29 am
parados wrote:
ROFLMBO.. Who is desperate here? read the statement.

found credible the testimony of witnesses other than Mr. Schiavo or the Schindlers. We recognize that Mrs. Schiavo's earlier oral statements were important evidence
Are you now incapable of understanding how the English language works? The oral statements were directly related to her wishes to not be kept alive. Somehow you claim they are not? What evidence do you have other than your desperate attempt to not believe what is factual and in front of your face?

Okay, I'm waiting then. Tell me the name of another witness and what he said. What you are saying is, "I have all kinds of great evidence, tons of evidence, mountains of evidence, but it's over here in this box. No, I won't show you what's in the box." Name one of the other witnesses who heard her express a wish to die under these circumstances, and tell me what he said. Stop running away from my request or pretending you didn't hear it.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:30 am
Lash wrote:

In the absence of evidence that someone wants to die--or doesn't want to die, would you rather err on the side of killing them, or leaving them alive? I think that's the basic question.
That is the precise issue the court dealt with. Absence evidence the court does err on the side of keeping them alive. The court however LOOKED at the evidence and decided the evidence outweighed your argument.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:31 am
parados wrote:
Lash wrote:

In the absence of evidence that someone wants to die--or doesn't want to die, would you rather err on the side of killing them, or leaving them alive? I think that's the basic question.
That is the precise issue the court dealt with. Absence evidence the court does err on the side of keeping them alive. The court however LOOKED at the evidence and decided the evidence outweighed your argument.

Besides Michael's statement of his recollection, what evidence was that?
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:34 am
Brandon wrote:

Okay, I'm waiting then. Tell me the name of another witness and what he said. What you are saying is, "I have all kinds of great evidence, tons of evidence, mounstains of evidence, but it's over here in this box.
That evidence was presented here. That evidence was presented in the court room where an unbiased adjudicator looked at it and said it was "clear and convincing". The evidence was appealed to a higher court and upheld. Now you come along and demand that we "prove to you". Frankly, I am tired of your games. That is all they are games. The evidence is there.

You are like a child. You close your eyes then say something doesn't exist because you didn't see it. Simple because you refuse to see it does NOT mean I have to force you to open your eyes. I am not cruel to children. Go your merry way and don't take any candy from strangers.
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:35 am
parados wrote:

You are like a child. You close your eyes then say something doesn't exist because you didn't see it. Simple because you refuse to see it does NOT mean I have to force you to open your eyes. I am not cruel to children. Go your merry way and don't take any candy from strangers.


Sorry, I don't mean to laugh but parados, I think you just said what many of us were thinking....
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:35 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
But there is no evidence that she did make the choice except for her husband's unsubstantiated claim, which cannot be corroborated based on any other witness or anything she ever wrote down.

And was he and his claim not challenged by the attorneys for the parents yet found to be credible not once, not twice, but in numerous appeals and filings?

Do you not stand by your word alone sometimes, by your impeccable word, your word which is true without corroboration from others? I do. Each time I find standing by my word to be one of my finer moments.
But then, I practice speaking truth rather than filling the air with snide remarks about who is, or is not, a liar.

Joe(you have my word on that)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:36 am
parados wrote:
Brandon wrote:

Okay, I'm waiting then. Tell me the name of another witness and what he said. What you are saying is, "I have all kinds of great evidence, tons of evidence, mounstains of evidence, but it's over here in this box.
That evidence was presented here. That evidence was presented in the court room where an unbiased adjudicator looked at it and said it was "clear and convincing". The evidence was appealed to a higher court and upheld. Now you come along and demand that we "prove to you". Frankly, I am tired of your games. That is all they are games. The evidence is there.

You are like a child. You close your eyes then say something doesn't exist because you didn't see it. Simple because you refuse to see it does NOT mean I have to force you to open your eyes. I am not cruel to children. Go your merry way and don't take any candy from strangers.

Translation: you have no evidence and want me to stop asking you to provide it. You claim there is all kinds of evidence, and that it has been posted all over creation. Fine. Provide one particle of evidence that she told anyone other than Michael that she wanted to die, or wrote it somewhere. You can't. I have you.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:38 am
Joe Nation wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
But there is no evidence that she did make the choice except for her husband's unsubstantiated claim, which cannot be corroborated based on any other witness or anything she ever wrote down.

And was he and his claim not challenged by the attorneys for the parents yet found to be credible not once, not twice, but in numerous appeals and filings?

Do you not stand by your word alone sometimes, by your impeccable word, your word which is true without corroboration from others? I do. Each time I find standing by my word to be one of my finer moments.
But then, I practice speaking truth rather than filling the air with snide remarks about who is, or is not, a liar.

Joe(you have my word on that)Nation

I need to clarify this. Are you now admitting that there isn't a shred of evidence of her wishes other than her "husband's" uncorroborated word?
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:41 am
Brandon, my advice is for you never to become a lawyer or to represent yourself in a court case.

The court ruled that there is sufficient evidence. If you do not accept the word of the court, then go take it up with them.
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Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 09:43 am
DrewDad wrote:
Brandon, my advice is for you never to become a lawyer or to represent yourself in a court case.

The court ruled that there is sufficient evidence. If you do not accept the word of the court, then go take it up with them.

In other words, the case rests on the idea that her choice to die must be protected, but the lot of you can't provide one shred of evidence that anyone heard this wish other than Michael or that she ever wrote it down. Your case rests on nothing.
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