Sat 19 Mar, 2005 09:56 am
a 1984 chieftain winnebago. if anyone can help me out wone hwere to find one iw ould be most thankful!
Uh.. define brake layout. Front disc, rear drum? or the pictoral representation of the lines and how they're run in the vehicle?
the lines.. i need a pictoral rpresentation of the brake lines and how they run
Wish I could help you, but I'm not sure it exists. It might have been done as a promotional thing for a technical or internal advertisement, but its usually not part of the standard reference package.
May I ask why you need it?
well my fater was looking for one becuase he was having to replace it on his winnebago and thought that it would help him along
There are companies that make prebent line kits for almost every vehicle. If they don't make one for your chieftain you can send them your old ones and they'll bend them to fit.
I've also run completely new lines by just buying the brake tubing and a proper bender. If you're going for a restoration it won't be very good, but as far as running new functional lines it works very well.
I guess if you are looking for an actual layout diagram with measurements, angles, and the 3D representation you would need to prebend them I can't help you.
The chassis should be incredibly simple under there with a minimum of bends.