Regardless of actual objective "truth" , religions are psychologically valid, and can give their followers a sense of purpose and meaning. I don't see a problem with that, regardless of how self-righteous and irritating (non- violent) fundamentalists they can be. I find people talking about religions less boring than people talking about diets.
thethinkfactory wrote:Because Fiedism is not only impossible but unethical. Without evidence your belief is vacuous and harmful.
Sometimes religion can be harmful. For example, religious terrorism and disallowing birth control. On other occasions it can motivates people to act in extremely selfless ways and benefit societies in ways that they ordinarily wouldn't.
Extremely spiritual people live longer, and are less anxious. I don't see this as negative, or negatively affecting others. In fact, it could work to the benefit of society. Religion could also stress the believer, if they worry about themselves or others (although i don't know many religious types that do this).
Determining whether religions unbased on fact is a matter of balancing the positive and negative results of fervent belief.
However, ultimately, disallowing or severely discouraging religion could only happen through extreme social control ( use of propaganda and force) at least to the extent that Stalin used them, although you might find a more peaceful way to do it. The solution would be a lot worse than the original problem. Let people have their delusions, i say!! If believing that a purple goat living in Slovenia will protect you makes you feel safe, go ahead and believe in him!