Yikes! That was a real heart stopper last night. Did Sophie bring Brother J back to life at the end there? That would really be freaky.
I guess now we know what "Sophie is the Omega" means. How weird.
Hold on, what is going on?
Ben kills Brother Justin.
Sophie shoots (and kills?) Jonesy, when he tried to rescue her from the cabin Bro J had her tied up in.
Has she turned into her fathers daughter?
Then she does a "Ben" on Brother Justin after finding him dead in the cornfield.
How does Sophie have Bens gift? Could it be (and I keep thinking she HAS to be pregnant with Bens child) that her baby in her womb shares the gift of its father (Ben) through its mother (Sophie)?
Now I'm confused as heck - both Ben and Brother Justin could still live. Sophie appears to have become a baddie and Jonesy is dead or alive? Plus Stroud was only knocked unconscious when Jonesy was rescuing Sophie, so will he now work for her?
Interesting that Ben, as they were driving away, was placed in managements den, almost as if HE is now management.
Yeah, Sophie's on the dark side ("this is your house") and has found where she belongs. But I would think it would take a lot more than a field of corn to bring back brother J. Plus, Ben did the magic and destroyed the tree, so if he comes back, will he still have his powers?
I am very curious to see the next season.
Oh, and that's the other thing. If Sophie is the next in line after brother J, then who is her enemy? Could she be pregnant with her own enemy? Wacko!
No-one is as they appear to be:
Ben - started out as a bit shady, now appears to be good
Scudder - a baddy gone goody?
Management - was under the impression he was good but then appeared most shady toward the end
Justin - started out as good (priest), changed into pure evil
Iris - was a baddy, now seems to be wavering and wanting to be good
Sophie - good gone bad (potentially more evil than Justin?)
Lodz - was okay at the start (helpful to Ben), then changed to bad (tried to hurt Ben)
and finally there is Samson ....
We've been watching everyone else but him, however he seems to be the one guiding and probing, sort of like a mediator between all the good and evil. Funny that! He could be more of the plot than anyone imagines.
There's little doubt this is a character driven story -- the pieces of the puzzle are now left scattered on the floor just when one thought they'd all fit together. The theme now is that good will always have to battle evil and not in the biblical sense but in an alternate metaphysical world none of us can fully understand. I've tune into the series examining human nature under a scrutinizing microscope and coming up with some intriquing answers. Yes, but not all the answers -- it intelligently leaves a lot to our own imagination and understanding. A pleasure not to have everything neatly laid out with no provocation to actually think. I'm still fascinated and still hooked.
Same here. Can't wait for the beginning of next season.
Alright... I avoided this thread all season so that I wouldn't here anything about it.
My brother-in-law recorded the entire season for me and I just watched all 12 episodes in 6 days.
What a freaking season!!!! Now I have to wait another whole year to see how it ends.
So, I rethought the whole cornfields dying as they drove off scene, and now I think they are dying because Ben is healing himself. So brother J stays dead, in my mind, which makes sense -- they wouldn't put us through that whole season only to have him still be alive. So now it gets weird.
Can't wait to see the next season. But in the meantime, we have Deadwood to keep us entertained, and possibly another season of The Wire -- one can only hope.
Anybody hear anything about when the new season is coming out?
No new season planned at this time.
Really??? They wouldn't just leave it hanging like that would they?
The evil preacher was destroyed which was a climactic element but I can see where many fans of the show are dissapointed that it won't go on with the individual character's stories. There could bed other evils out there.
There was so much not answered though... Sofie is evil... is she going to stay that way? Is Brother Justin and Clayton really dead? Is Ben dead? Why was the corn dying? What about the Brother Justin/Iris relationship? So many questions so few answers.
Very true but like many films it's left up to the viewer to imagine how the story goes on. I, for one, would like to see it return for at least two more seasons with some answers and new thematic material.
Oh I would too. Nice to see so many Carnivale lovers. Unfort I don't think it's ever coming back.