I've managed to trace most of the branches in my family tree back about 5 or 6 generations. A great accomplishment, I feel, since no living members of my family have any records relating to heritage.
Great(x3)grandfather and great(x3)grandmother came from Wurtemburg, Germany somewhere around the 1860's. He changed his name from Johann to John. I'd love to know if he officially changed it at his port of arrival or later on, but have yet to come across that info.
A great(x4)grandfather on my father's side was born on en route to America from Ireland (the poor mother!).
It's been said that great(x2)grandparents on my mother's side emigrated from Ireland, changing the family name from O'Grady to Grady. My father also tells me that his greatgrandmother was Cherokee. This is another bit of info I'd love to confirm! (To think, I may actually have an inborn right to inhabit this land!

I continue to search for more information on my lineage as my schoolwork and social life permit. :wink: If anyone knows of some good genealogy websites, please post them! I'm waist-deep in bookmarked pages that I haven't had time to browse, but I always welcome more!