NeoGuin, kinesis is motion in response to stimulus. Not a sense, but a reaction.
There is a condition resuting from brain damage that limits memory. A person may have an experience but forget it in five minutes, or forget their address and phone number unless they keep detailed information about their lives with them at all times.
Memory probably isn't a sense, but it enriches our lives by allowing us to return to memories of sensory experiences, like remembering a beautiful sunset. It also organizes our lives by helping us remember something as mundane as our phone number. When you think of it in those terms, it is clear that memory is necessary for our sanity yet, for some people, certain memories are so debilitating that their sanity is adversely affected.
Interestingly, memory does seem to be related to time as shown in the example of the brain disorder, by keeping a chronological order of sensory experiences.
When I smell Ivory soap I am reminded of my grandmother and of the decades that have passed since her death.
Does that make sense? It is past my bedtime and I might not be making any sense.