Thanks Obama!
Back in February of 2009, Barack Obama said: "[The voters] didn't vote for the status quo; they sent us here to bring change. We owe it to them to deliver.” How’s that change working out for us? He emphasized that we HAD to pass it in order to keep unemployment under 8%. So what did he do? He spent money that we didn’t have. Lots of it. Over $800 billion now and what do we have to show for it?
Compared to February of 2009, when Obama’s stimulus plan was passed, we now have 1.9 million fewer people employed in the United States. At the time 141.7 million Americans were employed but by May 2011, that number had dwindled to 139.8 million.
Among those who have been hit the hardest are black Americans … 96% of the black vote in 2008 went to Barack Obama. When Obama was inaugurated, the unemployment rate among blacks stood at 12.6%. How are things looking in May 2011? The unemployment rate for blacks is 16.2%. The American Thinker sums this up for us:
So, while the overall unemployment rate has risen by 1.5% since Obama took office, the rate of unemployment for blacks is 3.6% higher. Seen another way, the gap between the African-American unemployment rate versus that of the entire population has widened from 5.0% when Obama took office to 7.1% as of May 2011.
They aren’t the only Obama supporters to be affected like this. Read the article to see how those college students who thought Obama was so “cool” are faring in the job market. And the “poor”?
This is what you get when you put a community organizing hack in the White House who couldn’t create one stinking job if his ego depended on it. This is also what you get when that community organizing hack surrounds himself with people who are in love with government and believe that government is the solution to all of our problems.