How about a suggestion tonight that would actually do everyone a favor in this country, and might even be significant economically? I started a thread in 2006 suggesting we end tenth of a cent pricing for gasoline, and I think the suggestion is still pertinent. Sometimes the best ideas are small ones that turn out to be bigger than predicted. Big things can sometimes come in the form of small packages. Here are my reasons for eliminating tenth cent pricing for gasoline at the retail level:
You cannot cut a penny in half or tenths, so it cannot be paid for accurately in tenths.
Pricing in tenths exceeds the accuracy of flowmeters.
Pricing in tenths is misleading and deceitful. It would be infinitely easier to know if the pumps are delivering the right price total for the gallons delivered.
How many other commodities are priced in tenths of a penny? I can think of none. For example, milk or anything else in a grocery store, nothing I can think of.
Consider the savings of energy costs to light up tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of pricing signs all over this country. If we can mandate light bulbs to save energy, why not something simple like this that everyone would surely like?
Consider all the work, space, sign and pump display costs, and trouble, to advertise and post prices in tenths of a cent.
Nine tenths of a cent does not seem like a significant amount economically, but I am guessing it leads to millions or even billions of dollars if added up all over the country. Retailers no longer would have the pshycological advantage of using $3.99 and 9/10 of a cent and have most people believe it is costing them $3.99. The retailer would have to choose between $3.99 and $4.00 or something else, and the price would be more accurate, priced by a whole cent or penny per gallon.
My original thread is here, and it is still there after a few comments and folks not caring, but it is still a pet peave of mine when I see all the ridiculous gasoline pricing signs everywhere. Maybe a movement to change it could be started? I think its worth posting it here in the economy thread, to see how many here would like it? Let me clarify wholesalers can still sell in fractions of a penny, but consumers deserve better in my opinion. The least they can do is charge us an even penny amount per gallon. All it would take is a law, and there are many more goofy laws than this one would be!!!