spendius wrote:
Crikey hawk--do you really think it's as bad as that or are you just exercising rhetorical flourishes?
I think it is as bad as all that. The nation is socially fractured between the political camps, the economy is hollowed out, the political system does not work, we consume far more than we can/will pay for, the debts are mounting fast, the education system does not work, the medical system does not work very well and is outragously expensive to operate, Wall Street not only does not work but has become a parasite, we have over 2% of our citizens rotting in prisons which need to be paid for, and the Yankee optimism is kaput to the point that we seem fine with giving up our rights to a police state on the basis of the a rape scare that has been floated in front of us.....lots of problems need our attention, but I dont see much action on them.