Thomas wrote:okie wrote:Lower prices for homes spurred sales, so it is a success of the free market again, and you can spin it negatively, sure
Okie, just for future reference: what movements in the prices or sales of homes would you to consider bad news?
If prices dropped and sales did not respond positively, then I would say there is no counterbalance to the negative, we have two negatives, which only drives more negativity. I am no economist, but I would view home sales like any other commodity in which the free market finds the right balance of price and demand. To further answer your question, if prices and sales increase or persist, then the economy is good, but as it is with the stock market, there are always corrections, which in the grand scheme of things, are also good. Lowered prices are good if they spur sales, and as I said, it makes homes more affordable. Homes cannot continue to grow in price forever, without any corrections.
Imposter can always find negatives, but as soon as a Democrat is elected, I predict the same news will become positive for him.
Another factor overlooked here is the increasing size of new homes, which are much larger than they used to be. This does not strike me as typical of a terrible economy.
As a person that plays things conservatively, I have always bought smaller homes and smaller payments than I was told I could afford, and this has worked out well for me. I think people are over-reaching and living on the edge, thus if they lose their job or whatever, they might lose their homes. I view this as largely a generational mindset instead of solely due to economic conditions. It is as much a problem of irresponsiblity by this generation of people vs previous generations. More people finance things they do not need nowadays. For example, instead of buying health insurance, they buy a new car every time they can, or a boat, or whatever, and buy the biggest houses they can possibly afford, with every penny of their income spoken for. If anything at all goes wrong with their income, everything goes south for them.
And again, the percentage of home ownership is a positive statistic, and although imposter might spin this somehow to be negative until a Democrat becomes president, I think it is positive.