George, you should be smart enough to know that many authoritarian tyrants are leftists and socialists, in fact I think most of them are.
You just illustrated what I told you in my last post: ". . . I think most of them (authoritarian tyrants) are (leftists and socialists)."
If you said Professor X from Oxford University wrote in his book "----" that during the 20th C, 75% of all who rulers who came to power through a military coup were socialists," you would be offering an opinion presented by a career political scientist who has attained a position of respect. If you presented data on how many of those who seized power through a military coup immediately nationalized vital industries, you would be presenting data on military dictators with socialist leanings.
Instead, you say, "I think . . ."
As I said above, your right wing extremism causes you to interpret data differently than nearly everyone who posts here. Even right wingers have called you out.
okie, it is perfectly acceptable that you are on the right. What is not acceptable is for you to not weigh in your calculations that your right leanings color everything you think and all of your statements.
What sort of person says "I think" and "I am right" and "you should be smart enough to know . . ." as often as you do? Enough with the rhetorical questions, I will answer this. The sort of person who states his opinions as fact and states them firmly and militantly -- which you do - - is an authoritarian.
Maybe, if you toned down your rhetoric somewhat and if you read some books on political science, history, economics and philosophy, maybe you wouldn't need george to defend you.
okie, I have had constructive conversations with gungasnake and david and they are as right wing as you. That may be because gunga and david have actually demonstrated having some interests.