Cycloptichorn wrote:What, specifically, would you have changed at Fannie or Freddie to keep the recession from happening, Okie?
First of all, it is highly questionable whether Fannie and Freddie should have even been created, and I doubt I would have supported their creation. That is number one. After their creation, I think it was a huge mistake for the government to essentially guarantee billions, perhaps trillions, in loans through the support and policies of both the Community Reinvestment Act and Fannie and Freddie. I think I read one time that Fannie and Freddie was involved in something like 40% of all home loans in the country, is that right? CRA was obviously a very bad piece of legislation, because any time you force private companies to engage in very risky business actions wherein they probably would otherwise lose money, while guaranteeing they don't lose money, it is obviously or self evidently a very stupid move by politicians.
Now, after this whole mess was set into motion and things were headed for disaster in the 90's and into the Bush Administration, I don't know if the eventual disaster could have been averted or at least reduced in proportion, but I would have called Fannie and Freddie on the carpet and would have gone over their books with a fine tooth comb. Those people cooking the books should have been prosecuted, and the needed corrections should have been made to how it was being done. Also, I think more regulation of the loan bundles should have been instituted, at least those involving Fannie and Freddie, which by the way Bush, McCain, and other Republicans advocated. I think those actions would have slowed down the profiteering of selling loan packages between banks, and may have reduced the over inflation of home prices during those years, thus making the bubble smaller and softening the blow later on.
As an aside, I remember getting notices that our home loan had been sold or transferred to another institution, this happening two or three times, and I remember wondering why are they doing that considering I am paying my payments without fail and they should be making money, why sell it to someone else? Actually, I have ended up paying for my house in full, so whatever was involved, the end result was that the company at the end got their money back. I still have this belief that without Fannie and Freddie coming on the scene, the banks would have stuck to their original business of making loans to make money on those same loans, and all of that trading and selling may never have taken place. That is not what I am totally sure of however because I am not familiar with the banking business.
One of the biggest reasons I think the CRA lies at the foundation of the problem is that a very respected banker in the area with tons of years in the business, he said that it did. I am just now asking a friend of mine that I think has been in the banking business a long time, his opinion, and if I get a reply, I will also record that.