Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 08:38 pm
Do you think you have the right to tell me that I am mentally off? That is an argument ad hominem, which seems to be the only sort a rightie ever uses.

I am not far left at all and I have told you so and you chose to misunderstand it. I am about 3/4 (75%) of the way from center to the most left one can be. I told you this before.

There are so many people who are left of me that I feel I could never keep up with them.

My deep seated resentments?

Listen, weren't you taught in school and in church and by your parents that it is every person's duty to leave the world a better place than it was when you were born?

I was.

That means I have to fight to the right.

I have adult children and grandchildren who need protection from the right.

Now, how many government classes did you take in high school and college? How much real history have you studied? Western Civ? Not enough.

You give little to no evidence of intelligence. You have no sense of humor. Your are not adaptable. You never use logic. You have a poor memory. While memory is the weakest indication of intelligence, because idiot savants sometimes have remarkable memories, those are the classic signs of intelligence.

You do give evidence of being a bully. Frankly, I feel sorry for your wife and children.
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 08:39 pm
I would never classify you as an ultra-leftist either. When okie says that he means you are the second coming of adolf hitler!
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 08:48 pm

Sometimes its a tough call, for example Obama, I think he is an ultra-leftist down deep in his heart

Please note the words: I think.

You think hitler was a leftist.

okie, hasn't the embarrassment of what you post here been writ large for you?

When Obama was at Harvard Law School, Professor Charles Ogletree thought he was a Republican. Ogletree thought the same about Michele during her time there.

I am certain you have no respect for Ogletree but the very fact that he teaches at Harvard where he holds an endowed chair makes him an expert on jurisprudence.

Now, Ogletree is a farm boy like you. He earned a bachelor's degree with distinction from Stanford and then completed a master's degree in one year. Both degrees are in political science. He then earned the J.D. degree from Harvard.

I would bet were you to meet Ogletree, you would ask him whether hitler was a leftie. I also bet that you would tell him he was wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 09:18 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

So, you did make it up. You just created the words and wrote them as if they were true, but they were not. Do you believe this is a good way to get people to trust what you write - to make things up?

Repeat after me, I did not make it up. I already told you I did not make it up, okay? I saw it on a website, which I explained to you. Sure, not everything on websites are totally accurate, but as it turns out, Jones was involved with a very radical revolutionary organization in San Francisco with Marxist roots, which is hardly far different or less radical than the communist party in San Francisco, so I don't think you won the argument, cyclops.
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 09:23 pm
mot dow jones
0 Replies
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 09:31 pm
wear Prada
0 Replies
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 09:32 pm
Repeat After Me:

I, minor Tea Party in Boston
0 Replies
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 09:32 pm
okie wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

So, you did make it up. You just created the words and wrote them as if they were true, but they were not. Do you believe this is a good way to get people to trust what you write - to make things up?

Repeat after me, I did not make it up. I already told you I did not make it up, okay? I saw it on a website, which I explained to you. Sure, not everything on websites are totally accurate, but as it turns out, Jones was involved with a very radical revolutionary organization in San Francisco with Marxist roots, which is hardly far different or less radical than the communist party in San Francisco, so I don't think you won the argument, cyclops.
0 Replies
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 09:33 pm
Aunty DOWN
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 09:35 pm
It's all on his wiki site. I don't think Jones is particularly regretful of any of his past, at least his youthful activism. He readily admits the time and place he joined the Communist party -- don't think he's ever tried to hide it.

I think he may have had some regret over the remarks he made that caused him to step down from his post as Energy Czar. Maybe not the remarks themselves, but the heat they generated.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 09:49 pm
plainoldme wrote:

Do you think you have the right to tell me that I am mentally off? That is an argument ad hominem, which seems to be the only sort a rightie ever uses.
I admit to being a bit pained to say such things to you, but seriously you do seem a bit unbalanced in your thinking, and I am serious about that as well, and I have every right to tell you that, it is frankly my honest opinion. You may not be a mental case, but you do seem to have some very bizarre opinions that border on unbalanced thinking. I admit to the fact that expressing that opinion does take it a step further than simply accusing you of being an ultra-liberal.
I am not far left at all and I have told you so and you chose to misunderstand it. I am about 3/4 (75%) of the way from center to the most left one can be. I told you this before.
Interesting, and if you can do math, that places you at a point on the entire political spectrum that is only 12.5% of it to the left of you. That makes you pretty ultra-left, pom, because it means that only about 12.5% of the people in this country are to the left of you. Now, that is also just your opinion, and based upon your posts, I think you are probably further left than that, I would guess only 5% or less of the people in this country are further left than you.

There are so many people who are left of me that I feel I could never keep up with them.
I don't doubt that a whole lot, pom, that there are many people to the left of you.

My deep seated resentments?
Yes, your posts clearly express some deep seated resentments toward other groups of people.

Listen, weren't you taught in school and in church and by your parents that it is every person's duty to leave the world a better place than it was when you were born?

I was.

That means I have to fight to the right.

I have adult children and grandchildren who need protection from the right.

Now, how many government classes did you take in high school and college? How much real history have you studied? Western Civ? Not enough.

You give little to no evidence of intelligence. You have no sense of humor. Your are not adaptable. You never use logic. You have a poor memory. While memory is the weakest indication of intelligence, because idiot savants sometimes have remarkable memories, those are the classic signs of intelligence.

You do give evidence of being a bully. Frankly, I feel sorry for your wife and children.
I was taught to be honest, responsible, and a good citizen, and I have tried my level best to do that. Regarding history and government classes in high school and college, I do not frankly remember every class I took. I remember an Oklahoma history class and an American and World history class in high school, plus a Civics class. In college, I believe I had a class in Western Civilization and perhaps another history class, heck that was over 40 years ago.

You claim you have children that need protection from the right, which is total garbage, pom, what they need is protection from the radical left, which you represent, and that is too bad for them.

You feel sorry for my wife and children. They will speak for themselves, and I have been married to the same wonderful woman for over 38 years now, the one and only wife I've ever had, and I have been her only husband, and my children and grandchildren also all love me and I love them. Hopefully, this country can be preserved as the wonderful place it has been for my generation to have had the privilege of growing up in, and I hope and pray that the radical left does not destroy it for the next generations coming on. I do have more fears for the country than at any time in my entire life, because of the forces of the left seeking to transform the country into their liking, and in the process they are growing the government into a more powerful State and spending more money than would have been imaginable a short time ago, so that the country will go totally broke in a few short years. There are most definitely very serious storm clouds in our political future, which I blame squarely upon the radical left that has set about to undermine this country and to transform it from what it was intended to be. I think much of this is due to the fact that more and more people are placing their faith into government and looking to government to solve their problems, instead of them looking to God to solve their problems.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 10:02 pm
plainoldme wrote:

I would never classify you as an ultra-leftist either. When okie says that he means you are the second coming of adolf hitler!

I have been pointing out that your posts are often bizarre and exhibit less than clear thinking, and so I would point out that the above comment is but another of the many examples. The statement you just made is totally ridiculous, pom. There are many many ultra leftists, but in no way does that also mean they are like Adolf Hitler. Hitler was unique in history as being one of the most cruel and unusual figures of all time, there is no way that Hitler can be used as a typical example. Hitler was an ultra-leftist, extremely so, I have no doubts about that and there is plenty of evidence to support that, but that in no way implies that all ultra-leftists are Hitlers. After all, the cruelty of Hitler was unique in history. To use an analogy, Katrina was a hurricane, but that in no way implies that all hurricanes are like Katrina. It is important however that we learn from Katrina, what circumstances produced it and caused it to result in the destruction that occurred, so that future disasters can be avoided, and similarly I think we need to pay particular attention to extreme historical figures like Hitler so that hopefully we can avoid the circumstances that produced fertile ground for somebody like him to wreak the havoc that he did. It really boils down to the culture, our character and ability to accurately judge the character of the people we vote into office. We also must vote for the best interests of the country and according to constitutional principles rather than simply voting for people that we think will give us the most stuff. It really depends upon how selfish we are or how principled we are as voters.
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 09:29 am
We also must vote for the best interests of the country and according to constitutional principles rather than simply voting for people that we think will give us the most stuff. It really depends upon how selfish we are or how principled we are as voters.

I find this a little ironic, as you - as a fiscal conservative - consistently vote for the person who will give you the most stuff (low taxes = more money for you) no matter what the best interests of the country are.

Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 12:04 pm
As opposed to Democrats who want to take from the working folks to give "stuff" to the non workers?

Obama and his party have been quoted as such. What does the phrase re-distribution of wealth mean?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 01:09 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

We also must vote for the best interests of the country and according to constitutional principles rather than simply voting for people that we think will give us the most stuff. It really depends upon how selfish we are or how principled we are as voters.

I find this a little ironic, as you - as a fiscal conservative - consistently vote for the person who will give you the most stuff (low taxes = more money for you) no matter what the best interests of the country are.


This is an excellent example of the bass-ackwards view of the world that liberals have, and why you simply do not apparently understand the basic concept of being an American, and the concept of freedom and liberty that being an American revolves around. If I think people should keep more of what they earned instead of the government confiscating it from them to redistribute to others, it is interpreted as the government giving people something. This of course implies that everything belongs to the government, even the earnings of peoples work, before they even earned it. I have news for you, cyclops, the government does not own us and they do not own the stuff we produce or the money that we earn, so there is no way that allowing taxpayers to keep more of what they earned is a case of the government giving them something.

What you are spouting in your own words is communist, socialist, and Marxist dogma, cyclops. Your words are promoting what is known as "common good," or to each according to his need, and to heck with our own personal responsibility and freedom to work and earn what we work for, for our own personal benefit and family. That "common good" phrase was also a biggee in the Nazi 25 point platform, cyclops, on which all the other points also aligned with and were in harmony with.

When I mentioned voters voting for politicians that will give them the most stuff, I was talking about the stuff that other people have worked for and earned, that the politicians will tax the bejeebers out of, and then give it to their voters, the folks that produce less but are on the government's entitlement programs. This of course involves a big dose of demagoguery of the producers by the liberal politicians, telling them that those people are profiteering and that the world is not fair. Obama is a good example of one of those types of demagogues that used demagoguery as part of the strategy that got enough voters to vote him in. In fact, the entire Democratic Party is the party of demagoguery, I have noticed this especially since the Clintons also used that strategy to perfection.
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 01:18 pm
So Bushy baby never taxed you and never led America into the biggest financial disasters America has ever faced??? NO not arf...Permanently living in disneyland while the Bush admin had its way, is all I can assume of you.
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 01:36 pm
"So Bushy baby never taxed you and never led America into the biggest financial disasters America has ever faced?"

All by his little self, Bushy led America into the biggest financial disaster????

That would make him an amazingly brilliant person (which we know he is not).

Are you that simpleminded?? Dumb question , I know.
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 01:40 pm
You could have a valid point there ummmm ..but then the argument could be levelled at his success...With a thick **** you just cant tell.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 03:25 pm
The U.S. trade deficit for May - released today - rose $42.3bn (4.8%) over April. That is the largest monthly deficit since November, 2008.
Exports from the U.S. rose 2.4% but imports outpaced that at 2.9%.
In May, the Euro weakened against the U.S. dollar. That made exports less competitive in the 16 European Union countries. Imports of oil dropped 9.1% due to lower oil prices and reduced demand.
The U.S. trade deficit with China came in at $22.3bn in May, up 15.4% compared to April.
Congress has repeatedly claimed that China has been guilty of "currency manipulation." China has shown little interest in revaluing the yuan, which could be as much as 40% undervalued.
The administration has been reluctant to pressure the Chinese about this yuan issue. That could be attributable to a wariness of upsetting them since they hold so much of our massive debt.
It is my opinion that things in China - social and economic - are fragile right now. An increase in the value of the yuan would make their exports less competitive.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 03:48 pm
okie wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

We also must vote for the best interests of the country and according to constitutional principles rather than simply voting for people that we think will give us the most stuff. It really depends upon how selfish we are or how principled we are as voters.

I find this a little ironic, as you - as a fiscal conservative - consistently vote for the person who will give you the most stuff (low taxes = more money for you) no matter what the best interests of the country are.


This is an excellent example of the bass-ackwards view of the world that liberals have, and why you simply do not apparently understand the basic concept of being an American, and the concept of freedom and liberty that being an American revolves around. If I think people should keep more of what they earned instead of the government confiscating it from them to redistribute to others, it is interpreted as the government giving people something. This of course implies that everything belongs to the government,

Full stop; no, it doesn't. But government debt and deficits are in fact guaranteed by all of us as citizens, Okie. At the end of the day, we provide the basis for the government's function.

When you continually and constantly beat the drum for tax cuts, in an environment in which we are heavily in both deficit and debt, you are greedily putting your own selfish desires in front of what's good for the country. It's a simple as that.

The rest of your ranting about poor folks getting your tax dollars isn't worth responding to.


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