I haven't noticed any positve changes in the job market or economy since obama came in.
I will also add that it's my belief that something as large as the u.s. economy and jobs and pay would take longer than 1 year to turn around, IF the proper measures and changes were made to our current system.
There should, however, be evidence of positive trends, of which I find very little.
In fact, the situation with the banks being bailed out is the single greatest piece of proof that obama is full of **** on these matters.
Congress supplied this money without parameters for it's use or any way to monitor it's uses. Indeed, the banks had record numbers in the bonuses category for the companies.
What happens around my house?
Little businesses and peoples homes are taken over by the bank.
They recieve bail out money for losing all of their. A resident in the same economic atmosphere has a similar condition of oustanding debt, indeed the banks are at fault for it!, and yet, they banks take over those peoples homes and businesses anyways.
What's the trillions of dollars of bailout for?
Oh yeah, our secretaries of treasury and friends, quite a few from the past, (most of them recently), were with goldman-sachs before.
So what does that tell you?
Obama didn't change our system in one of it's most horrible examples. The people could have used trillions of dollars, students and poor people, cities who are struggling massively like detroit could use that money and actually creative positive results.