Quote:foreclosure issue has not been on my "to do" list for study right now. I would appreciate your comments on what should be done
Most likely the only thing to be done is let the system work, get these houses foreclosed and resold asap. You gotta let the markets find the right price, and we can't let the banks continue to misrepresent their balance sheets by listing mortgage values as the value of the loan. The sooner everyone is working with real numbers the better.
The only alternative that I have heard that makes any sense is to let the courts rewrite mortgages in Bankruptcy court, but that plan has several major problems....the courts would be overloaded and way too slow, the judges would have a hard time deciding who to help and who is beyond help, and I have a serious problem with letting government rewrite contracts so an expansion of that practice is not appetizing. It would be messy, but might be worth doing to keep a bunch of properties off of the market, to give the housing market a better shot at a chance to stabilize around the right price.
Right now it looks to me like the market will undervalue homes for a significant amount of time, which is bad for everyone. Because foreclosed homes have often been empty for a time and also suffered from deferred maintenance, and because of the auction process the properties have unnecessarily low values at auction. This hurts everyone, this drags everyone's home value lower than it should go....for awhile.
According to Zillow I am down over 10% in six months, almost all due to auction sales near me.