teenyboone wrote:
Obama was elected on Nov. 4th, 2008. The Repugs who are anti-everything wanted everything Bush screwed up, Nov.5th, 2008! Obama; too young, too inexperienced, too black, half white, is a muslim, has a pastor who is a black terrorist, etc., etc., etc.! OH, I forgot; he isn't even a citizen! Where's that damned birth certificate?
This morning the headline is" Christie Wins"! Okay, now what! He won't be able to roll back property taxes or stop the bleeding on high salaries for State Administrators that's bleeding the state dry! I live in NJ, so with the FAT Repug in office, more stealing is all I have to say!
teeny, again, I do not recall any Republican saying "too black" to be president. That is a ridiculous claim. I did hear too young, too inexperienced, had a pastor that preached hatred and black liberation theology which is racist and Marxist, and also had other friends that included a former terrorist (white if you care to know), Marxists, and extreme leftists.
So if you believe in inexperience and extreme leftism - even Marxist philosophy, then Obama is your guy, keep supporting him, but I do not. I will vote for anyone that has conservative principles that has the character and leadership abilities that I think we need, be they black brown green white or yellow. Hows that, teeny, for a promise. I will go with content of character, not the color of their skin, so I will not be voting for Obama anytime ever.