au1929 wrote:okie
Circuit City is firing 3500 experienced store level, employees because they're earning
too much money....about $ 12.00 /hr and will replace them with new employees who they
will probobly pay $8.00/hr.
Any idea how these people feel about the economy?
Maybe you should rephrase your question to: "Any idea how these people feel about Circuit City?"
I've always liked Circuit City, because I have found the sales people somewhat helpful and the store fairly customer friendly, but I wonder if this decision is one made by overpaid executives that probably should be laid off instead? From what I've observed, executives usually start at the bottom when they should be starting at the top to cut labor costs.
Also, cicerone and others chastise me often by using anecdotal evidence, and the Circuit City one is nothing more than that. If I wanted to take the time, I could dredge up stories where companies are hiring and raising wages. The unemployment statistics are actual numbers, and if cicerone claims they are no good, how come economists use them and constantly tout them as important? Maybe the low numbers are only credible during Democrat administrations and high numbers are only credible during Republican administrations, is that it, cicerone?