I believe 100% that:
1) If Obama and the Congress would roll back and scrap the stimulus package right now. ...
2) If Obama and the Congress would announce that the Bush tax cuts would be left untouched for at least two years.
3) If Obama and the Congress would announce small across the board tax rate cuts in all categories and at all levels
4) If Obama and the Congress would pass a budget taking care of government obligations and necessities and not including one penny more. . . .
We would be out of the recession and booming again within 60 to 90 days or less and the U.S. treasury would be taking far less of a hit and the deficits will be far less than what they are projected.
Government has never been able to pull us out of a recession and won't this time. The only thing that ever has or will is the free market and the determination of the American people and the best thing our government could do for us is to provide incentive across the board and turn us loose to get it done.